Monica Lewinsky

Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds- Hastert Case, Clinton Scandals, FBI & the 1996 COINTELPRO II Directive

How Jones-Lewinsky Scandals led to the 1996 White House Classified Directive for FBI COINTELPRO II
Welcome to the 23rd edition of Probable Cause. This is our second episode on the case of Dennis Hastert. In our first segment I briefly explained the case and why it is likely to be dropped or lost-on-purpose, and provided you with the broad picture of involved interests and those with much at stake if the case were to proceed as a ‘real’ case.

Sleeping with Goyim in Mandatory Palestine

In a superb video (attached below), Dr. Daniela Reich, an Israeli academic who specialises in ‘Israeli studies’ elaborates on her research into ‘Jewess / Goyim’ relationships within the context of pre 1948 Palestine.
The video points at two conflicting factors within the emerging pre-Israeli Hebraic society:
1.      The Formal and conscious institutionalized utilization of young Jewish women to ‘befriend’ British Mandatory forces to promote the Zionist project and to collect intelligence.