money in politics

PROPOSITIONS — Money, Media, and Meaning — and SOLUTIONS

This blog is in two sections, first, a look at why state propositions were approved or not, and then a look forward toward solutions we actually can implement starting in 2021. My November blog email “Why landslide for Democratic PRESIDENT, and majority for Republican PROPOSITIONS?” received 60-some thought-provoking responses. People agreed that many voters were […]

Money always talks, but it doesn’t always win.

Big money will be talking plenty between now and November 2020. How does it make us do what it wants, even going against our own self-interest? One of big money’s targets will be the “Prop 13 reform” initiative on the ballot in California. Winning Prop 13 reform will have repercussions across the country. The money […]

Steyer's Doing Good Work-- And Politics Is Not A Battle Between Good Billionaires And Bad Billionaires

Earlier today we looked at their billionaires, freaks like the Kochs and the Deasons. Meanwhile, a close friend of mine has been spending much of the summer at the Bohemian Grove, where Michael Bloomberg is strutting around, puffed up and bragging that he intends to buy the Democratic nomination for president.

Time To Stop Talking About Getting Money Out Of Politics And Do It!

This weekend the California Democratic Party may feel the Bern. The Party's convention is in Sacramento and late this afternoon, the resolution committee will be working on getting the undo influence of money out of the political system. The video above explains what they're trying to accomplish. Below is the resolution as it now stands: