Mohammed bin Salman

Saudi Arabia And Israel: The New ‘Friends With Benefits’

International politics often seems like a subplot straight out of Game of Thrones, with its numerous alliances, strategic agreements and rhetoric of (and sometimes, actual) war. The latest development in this ever-changing game of alliances is the Saudi crown prince’s recent remarks on Israel. In a recent interview on his tour of the United States, Prince Mohammed bin Salman said[Read More...]

Saudi Crown Prince Heads to Texas With Oil on His Mind

(MEE) — Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s stop in Houston on Saturday will shift his focus to Saudi Arabia’s reliance on oil at a time when the kingdom looks to diversify its economy. Houston often gets cited as the energy centre of the United States, as the sprawling Texas city has thousands of refineries, petrochemical plants and […]

Saudi Crown Prince: Israel Has ‘Right’ to Homeland

In an interview with the Atlantic, Mohammed bin Salman says “Palestinians and the Israelis have the right to have their own land.” (MEE) The crown prince and de facto leader of Saudi Arabia said Israel has a “right” to a homeland, a notable shift in the kingdom’s position, as outlined in an interview with The Atlantic’s […]

America Gives Murderous Saudi Crown Prince the Red Carpet Treatment

(ANTIMEDIA) — Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) recently met with leaders of a number of right-wing Jewish organizations, including the notorious pro-Israel lobby AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), according to a leaked copy of his itinerary obtained by Haaretz. Aside from AIPAC, MBS also met with a number of other groups that have donated millions to illegal settlement building. […]

Saudi Crown Prince: America Asked Us to Spread Ideology of ISIS

(ANTIMEDIA) — In the latest continuation of western media’s shameless promotion of a known war criminal, the Washington Post sat down with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) last Thursday for a 75-minute discussion (even the Post itself previously published an acknowledgment of his crimes). While the Post’s write-up focuses mainly on the allegation that MBS has Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, “in his pocket,” the […]

Ultimate Hypocrisy: Saudi Crown Prince touts Religious Tolerance in NYC

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s charm offensive in New York allegedly involved meeting Oprah Winfrey, which may be the only canny thing I’ve ever heard of him doing. He also had some religious leaders over to his condominium in NYC to stress the importance of religious tolerance.
MbS may be sincere, but here is an area where he has to put his money where his mouth is.

US Announces Another $1 Billion in New Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia

(ANTIWAR.COM) — President Trump made clear earlier in the week during his meeting with the Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman that US arms sales to the Saudis are a top priority. Already, the State Department has announced another $1 billion in arms sales to the Saudis. The sales are going to include 6,600 TOW 2B missiles, at […]