Mohammed bin Salman

Bin Salman and Netanyahu Reported to Meet in Secret, Greenlight Arab-Israeli Railway Deal

AMMAN, JORDAN — Reports of a secret meeting in Amman, Jordan between Saudi crown prince and king-in-waiting Mohammed bin Salman and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appear to confirm that the Saudi kingdom and Tel Aviv are quickly moving forward to consolidate and develop their de facto alliance.
The latest development, reported by Israeli newspaper Maariv, comes despite an absence of diplomatic relations and the Arab and Muslim people’s deep loathing for Tel Aviv’s crimes against the people of Palestine.

Campaign of Repression Against Women’s Rights Activists Rips Mask from Saudi “Reform” Agenda

RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA — Saudi Arabia’s ongoing crackdown on women’s rights advocates, on the eve of its June 24 lifting of the ban on women drivers, is meant to prove one thing: only one man will be allowed behind the steering wheel to reform and social progress in the ultra-conservative Saudi kingdom, and that man is Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Abdulaziz Al Saud — or MBS, as he is known.

Seven Women’s Driving Activists Arrested for Treason in Saudi Arabia May Face Execution

Weeks before Saudi Arabia is set to lift its longtime ban on women driving, a group of seven women’s rights activists has been arrested on treason and espionage related charges — offenses which can bring the death penalty. The kingdom plans to lift the driving ban on June 24th, though significant restrictions will still remain to allow women to drive “in accordance with Islamic laws.”

Hizbollah’s Victory and the US-Iran Conflict

Among the things that the Iran deal critics demand is a broader, better deal that curbs ballistic missile construction and prevents Iran from supporting “terrorists.” The media never questions the proposition that Iran in fact supports such people. Who are these terrorists? Hizbollah in Lebanon tops the list. (Hamas is usually next, and then the Houthis of Yemen, the Shiite militias in Iraq, the Syrian Arab Army, etc. Even the Revolutionary Guards a division of the Iranian military, is listed by the State Department as a “terrorist organization.”)

The Miseducation of Mohammed bin Salman

Looking back over the course of a long impassioned life as attorney and activist, nothing has been a greater source of education and inspiration, for me as a person, than the decades spent working in the Middle East, Gulf and Africa.
Enrolled, there, as almost a student of life, I’ve seen and learned much in age-old cultures bound by tradition, sculpted by faith… a merger of weighty impressive consequence. Indeed, the winds of ancient history have a way of softening the arrogance that comes with the almost reflexive birthright that is the relative infancy of the West.

Bin Salman: Palestinians Should Take US Deal or “Shut Up and Stop Complaining”

(MEE) — Mohammed bin Salman said the Palestinian leadership should accept whatever peace terms are offered by the United States and stop complaining, according to reports based on an Israeli diplomatic cable and Israeli and American sources. The Saudi crown prince also heavily criticised the Palestinian leadership, including President Mahmoud Abbas and said Palestinian statehood was not […]

The Israel – Saudi Arabia Liason

In a 2 April 2018 interview in the Atlantic, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman publicly declared that the Israelis “have a right to live in their own land just like the Palestinians.” It is a problematic assumption, given that the Israelis’ “own land” is the land they took away from the Palestinians. This, and much else, has been either forgotten or ignored by the Saudi crown prince.