Mohammed bin Salman

Why the Khashoggi Affair Maybe the Biggest US Foreign Policy Crises Since Iran’s Revolution

If Donald Trump seems at a loss about how to respond to the Jamal Khashoggi murder, it may not be because he’s worried about his Saudi business investments or any of the other things that Democrats like to bring up to avoid talking about more serious topics. Rather, it’s likely because Trump may be facing one of the biggest U.S. foreign-policy crises since the overthrow of the shah in 1979.

The Real Reason the Knives are Out for MBS

RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA — Amid a chorus of condemnation directed against his leadership following the slaying of controversial journalist Jamal Khashoggi, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman – popularly known by the moniker MBS – condemned Khashoggi’s murder in no uncertain terms on Wednesday, calling the deed a “heinous crime that cannot be justified” and promising “justice” for those who killed him.

Claims of Khashoggi death by fistfight expose Saudi brutality

On October 2, 2018, Muslim Brotherhood member and Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi entered the Saudi Arabian embassy in Turkey, never to be seen or heard from again.
This chilling report has been answered with some horrifying and grisly stories about what happened – that he was dismembered while still alive, that his body parts were dissolved completely in acid, leaving nothing left.
Now after two weeks, the Saudi official word on what happened came out: He died in an unexpected fistfight in the embassy.

Saudi Royals Considering Replacement For Mohammad bin Salman

The major French daily Le Figaro on Thursday published a bombshell story which reports the Saudi royal family is actively considering a replacement to crown prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) as next in line to succeed his father King Salman as the kingdom finds itself under the greatest international pressure and scrutiny it’s faced in its modern history over the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi — widely believed to have been killed on orders of MbS himself.

Saudi Arabia, MBS & Trying to Make Sense of JAMAL KHASOGGI’s Murder…

The apparent murder of US-based Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi within the premises of the Saudi embassy in Turkey has sparked days of outrage, threats, debate, and conspiracy theory. From everything we’ve been told, he was probably murdered within the Saudi embassy: the surface-level narrative says it was probably on account of him being an open […]

The Ochelli Effect – Tragedy Hope News Missing Links

Michael Swanson, former hedge fund manager who runs the financial website, has a Masters Degree in American History and is the author of the book The War State: The Cold War Origins Of The Military-Industrial Complex And The Power Elite Joins us to discuss Tragedy and Hope with only a vague mention of Carol Quigley.

Trump Insulted Bin Salman, so He Retaliated Against Khashoggi

Frankly, this was not the first, and it will not be the last time that the American President Donald Trump insults the Saudi King, but we are a nation who is afflicted with forgetfulness. While the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman visited the US, the American President said, in a phone call to the Saudi King, “King, we’re protecting you. You might not be there for two weeks without us. You have to pay for your military; you have to pay.”