
Latter Day Satans: Mormon Cults Exposed – The Hamblin Case & More with Chiller Queen & Jay Dyer

LIVE AT 7PM EST “This marks the first part of the David Hamblin case series….” Chiller Queen returns to cover the bizarre case of the recent revelations of the inner Mormon / LDS cult operation surrounding the figure of Hamblin. Chiller Queen has gone deep into this cult case and many more here: Sign […]

Why Islam is Clearly False | Jay Dyer & Apostate Prophet

Jay Dyer has recently been studying Islam more deeply and also had a very successful debate in which he demonstrated many of Islam’s mistakes. We will explore that more. Apostate Prophet is here. Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at using promo code ‘JAY50‘ Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership […]

France: 13-Year-Old Girl’s Story about Her Teacher that Led to his Murder Was a Lie

A 13-year old Muslim schoolgirl lied to her father when she said her history teacher gave a lecture on free speech compared to blashemy and showed cartoon drawings of a naked Mohammed to the class. When this story circulated on social networks, it led to outrage within the Muslim community and the teacher's murder.

Dr Shabir Ally / Jay Dyer Debate: Is Jesus God Incarnate? Answers in Scripture, History & Logic

Dr. Shabir Ally joins me to discuss the Person of Christ.  What are the Orthodox Christian arguments in these three fields?  What are the Islamic arguments?  Dr. Shabir joins me for a formal debate on this topic moderated by Kyosan from the Politics Discord.  The debate is Saturday at 5PM EST. Dr. Shabir Ally can be found here, and Kyosan and the Calliopean discord can be found here: