Modoc County

Modoc County, Which Has Voted To Secede From California, Decided To Follow Texas And Open Up Businesses Yesterday

An L.A. Times newsletter yesterday talked about "Californians’ Line in the Sand" and noted how "Last weekend, hot weather and perhaps a touch of spring fever sent crowds flocking to Orange County beaches during the coronavirus pandemic. As the photos that went around the internet showed, few were wearing masks. This weekend, even though the forecast is cooler, Gov. Gavin Newsom is having none of that.

Is A Modoc County Strategy The Republican Party's Path To Winning Back California?

Republicans have been having a rough time in California ever since the party decided it would be smart policy to demonize Hispanic voters, in the same way Trump does today. 1994's explicitly anti-immigrant Proposition 187 destroyed the GOP as a viable party with Hispanics and to some extent with Asians.

People Steeped In Primitive Superstition, Ignorance, Fear And Bigotry Back Trump... By A Lot

No, they're not invited to Trump's "victory" party at the Hilton in NYC next weekIn The Atlantic this week, best-selling urban studies author Richard Florida is best known for his concept of the creative class and its implications for urban regeneration, compared states where science and technology are leading economic development to states where sc