
Assad There to Stay?

Long gone the days when the U.S.-led so-called “Friends of Syria” could plausibly claim that two thirds of Syria was controlled by rebel forces, that Syrian capital Damascus was under siege and its fall was just a matter of time and that the days of President Bashar al-Assad were numbered and accordingly he “should step down.”

Identity Politics Sucks

I've been meaning to say something about a piece I saw last week in the Washington Post by David Broockman, a political science grad student from UC Berkeley ever since I read this one finding from his research: "disengaged and infrequent voters who allegedly constitute the moderate middle are actually more likely to endorse extreme policies than politically active voters." Btoockman's premise is that the real extremists are American voters, not politicians, s

Moderate Republicans? Has Anyone Spotted A Live One In Congress Since Sherry Boehlert?

No friends of Darrell Issa's, the American Association of Letter Carriers endorsed Richard Hanna for reelectionYes… Mark Pocan, the intensely progressive freshman from Wisconsin insists he knows a genuine moderate Republican. Richard Hanna (R-NY) defeated disappointing conservative Mike Arcuri in the Great Blue Dog Apocalypse of 2010 to win back Boehlert's old upstate New York seat (Utica, Rome, Binghamton).