
Is Trumpy-The-Clown Going To Drain The Wall Street Swamp? You're Joking, Right?

Perhaps you were angry that Obama's Justice Department never went after Wall Street elites. I sure was. Last year David Sirota did a powerful piece for International Business Times about how prosecution for white collar crimes was at a 20-year low-- although not because there was less of that kind of crime.

Trump Wants To Break Up The Big Banks? Republicans In Congress Are Laughing

click on the image to understand who really wants to protect us from Wall StreetYesterday, one of the Trump campaign murky higher-ups, Paul Manafort, claimed that the Republican platform will advocate bringing back Glass-Steagall, which will, he said, "create barriers between what the big banks can do and try and avoid some of the crisis that led to 2008." Although corrupt corporate Democrats-- primarily Bill Clinton and