
We Know Exactly Who The Democrats Want To Bail Out-- They Passed A Bill Months Ago... What About Trump And The Republicans?

Lambchop by Nancy OhanianDoesn't it seem like the GOP actually wants to inflict misery on the working class? It seems that way because it is that way. McConnell purposely let the eviction moratorium and enhanced unemployment benefits expire before allowing even a discussion in the Senate about what to do to alleviate Trump's COVID-economy.

Transpartisan Failure

Our political leadership-- and not just Trump-- has failed us... dismally so. Even blue state governors like Andrew Cuomo (New York), Phil Murphy (New Jersey) and Gavin Newsom (California) have been taking ineffective baby steps that have already been proven to only make the pandemic worse. Like Trump, they are more afraid to be blamed for an economic turn-down than to watch thousands and perhaps millions of Americans die.

Getting To Know You, Getting To Know All About You... Kamala Harris

2010 saw a red tidal wave sweep Democrats out of office across America. Democrats lost 63 House seats and watched John Boehner take over the speakership from Pelosi. Democrats lost 6 Senate seats-- Pennsylvania, Arkansas, Indiana, Wisconsin (Russ Feingold) and North Dakota. Republicans also picked up new governors' mansions in Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Florida, Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Maine, Wyoming and New Mexico.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahRepublicans love to bitch and moan about the Hollywood community. They would have you believe the canard that everyone involved in the film industry is well left of center. It gives the Repugs something to shake a stick at and wail that they are not being treated fairly.The truth is, however, that Hollywood is full of creepy money cretins just like Steve Mnuchin.

Worst President Ever Wants To Raise Taxes On The Internet To Get Even With The Washington Post's Owner

The vindictive asshole Trump's supporters elected looks like he may be headed towards letting them down again-- this time over taxes. Who ever thinks about Republicans raising taxes. An effective multi-decade p.r. effort has persuaded Americans that Republican don't raise taxes-- although they certainly do.

The Guy Trump Just Put in Charge of the Economy Has Deep Ties to George Soros

(ANTIMEDIA) Donald Trump’s cabinet picks have raised doubts about his commitment to the anti-establishment platform he promoted during the presidential race. Though he drew praise shortly after the election for taking meetings with people as diverse as Democratic Senator Tulsi Gabbard and a libertarian who advocates abolishing the Federal Reserve, his final selections were less predictable.