
The U.S.-Israel Relationship Is One Thing, But The GOP-Netanyahu Relationship Is Something Entirely Different

I was born the same year as Israel and I grew up committed and proud of the socialist-run Jewish state. Watching the Sacha Baron Cohen Netflix mini-series, The Spy, I remembered it-- or at least the conclusion of it-- vividly, in real time, when I was getting ready to graduate high school and go to college.

DCCC Moves To Sabotage Progressive Candidates In Minnesota For Two Wealthy New Dems

Jeff Erdmann and Adam Jennings, the 2 Minnesota progressives the DCCC is trying to tankThe Minnesota primary isn't until August 14 this year. But the DCCC isn't waiting. They've already endorsed two conservative candidates from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party, New Dems Angie Craig (MN-02) and Dean Phillips (MN-03).

Good Candidates Don't Accept DCCC Endorsements In Primaries

Worth 10 DCCC Red to Blue EndorsementsThe DCCC claims to be neutral in primaries but always puts its fingers on the scale for corrupt conservatives from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party, Blue Dogs and New Dems, never for progressives. The DCCC favors wealthy self-funders and "ex"-Republicans. They recruit them and back them and help them disadvantage candidates from working class backgrounds. Is the DCCC anti-union?

Who Wants More Republican-Lite Candidates? The DCCC Has One For Minnesota

There are six counties that make up MN-02 but the vast majority of voters are in the suburbs and small towns just south of Minneapolis and St Paul in Dakota County. Obama took Dakota County both times he ran and won MN-02 both times as well. Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken won those suburbs as well-- and the congressional district.

Who Thinks The GOP Has Halted Their War On Women? Let's Visit Southeast Minnesota

Angie Craig should be a shoo-in for CongressHate Talk Radio host Jason Lewis, is the leading contender for the Republican nomination to replace retiring GOP reactionary, John Kline in the suburbs and exurbs south of St. Paul (MN-02). It's a swing district that Obama won-- albeit narrowly-- both times, and with a vaguely competent DCCC it would be in Democratic hands today.

How Can You Tell If A Candidate Is A Progressive Or Not?

DINO Maria Gutzeit has already proven how awful she isSometimes candidates lie about where they are politically to get support. Two of the worst Blue Dogs I ever had the misfortune to see in action-- Chris Carney (PA) and Kyrsten Sinema (AZ)-- swore to me on the phone before they were elected that they were dedicated progressives. Both are bare-faced liars.