mitch mcconnell

McConnell And The GOP Would Like To Force State Governments Into Bankruptcy, Something That Would Absolutely Cause The U.S. To Collapse Economically

Some states-- most of them blue-- pay far more into the federal government than they get out. Kentucky-- like many more economically backward red states-- get much more than they pay in. The 6 states that pay the most per capita for the least return are Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Colorado and Nebraska.

Cowardly Congress Chooses to be AWOL: Shouldn’t Our Elected Representatives be on the Job Providing Essential Services?

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic a careening, confused President is fibbing, flailing, breaking laws, and mishandling money. As the domino effect of this crisis mounts, the public is asking: “Where is the Congress?” Our Senators and Representatives have been home since March 20 and won’t be back until May 4th, not on the job inside the Capitol. Shameful!
Worse, some lawmakers want a remote Congress so they can remain AWOL and pretend to deal with the many crises remotely.

Bland Moderates Are Not What We Need In The White House Or In The Senate-- Let's Replace Mitch McConnell With Charles Booker

If Bernie wins in November, a hostile McConnell-led Senate will be pretty deadly for all his plans. And with the Democrats very likely to lose their accidental Alabama seat, they have to win five seats for a majority. Or, one seat-- Kentucky's-- to knock out McConnell. Schumer's DSCC has picked Amy McGrath, a bland moderate who doesn't stand for much and who couldn't win a House seat in 2018 that is significantly more open to Democrats than the state as a whole is. McGrath has little to offer beyond McConnell-hatred. Democrats have been trying that for decades-- unsuccessfully.

History Tells Us Which Democratic Nominee Truly Hurts Down Ballot Democrats

“Sanders can’t win the presidency. He’s too far left.” Others opine, “He’ll never get anything through congress. He hasn’t ever accomplished anything.” What is this movement then? How did a ‘nobody’ build the greatest political movement and fundraising machine in the history of the United States? Because his ideas are popular. They have broad appeal. They are just unappealing to the very few who control what goes out on the airwaves and unfortunately influence a wide swath of voters.

Foolishly, McConnell Ramps Up The Republican Party's War On Women Again

Why would McConnell get the GOP war against women rolling again, juts as the election season is moving into high gear? Who gained and who lost yesterday when he forced the Senate into a no-win situation with two abortion votes. McConnell's no fool and he knew there was no possibility the already-rejected bills would pass.

What Drives Mitch McConnell? A Conscienceless, Near-Cartoonish Pursuit of Power

by Thomas NeuburgerFor all the damage he’s inflicted on American democracy, for all the political corpses he’s left in his wake, Mitch McConnell has never betrayed an ounce of shame.—Robert Moser, Rolling StoneMitch McConnell is a unique individual in the modern political world.Most politicians are filled with a mix of fevered desires, flatt

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahMoscow Mitch shows his contempt, and his plans, for this country every day. He is a traitor. He wipes his ass with the Constitution. He wipes his ass with the American Dream itself. People talk about the insanity and anti-Americanism of Donald Trump but Trump has very little on Moscow Mitch in those departments. He will be remembered as the key henchman, in the efforts of Trump and Putin to destroy this country.

Where Will Trump Judges Get Their Law Clerks-- From Unaccredited Religious Schools?

Any-- every-- sack of dog poop Trump sends over to Moscow Mitch as a judicial nominee has been rammed through the Senate and confirmed, sometimes with votes from the 2 or 3 Trump-friendly Democrats, Joe Manchin (WV), Doug Jones (AL) and Kyrsten Sinema (AZ). When even these three vote NO, you know the sack of dog poop Moscow Mitch is hawking includes a lot of dog diarrhea.