
Americans’ Rejection of Coronavirus Shots Is a Reason for Hope for the Country

By Adam Dick | Ron Paul Institute | January 26, 2022 For over a year, Americans have been subjected to relentless pressure to take experimental coronavirus “vaccine” shots and, more recently, to even have the shots given to children who have a miniscule risk of becoming seriously sick or dying from coronavirus. The shots are widely available, […]

GOP lawmakers calling for Dr Fauci to be removed from his post [Video]

We have been reporting steadily how Dr Anthony Fauci appears to be more and more caught in the cross-hairs of his own deceptions. This video by Liberal Hivemind details how GOP lawmakers are pressing harder and harder to have him forced to resign from his present role as Head of the Coronavirus Task Force (presently working for […]

Florida Gov. DeSantis stands fast against COVID “Passports” – [Video]

The upcoming division of the United States into separate countries is underway. Has anybody considered this as a possibility? There certainly are some factors in play that are really causing Americans to choose a side. One of the latest is the notion of a COVID-19 “Vaccine Passport”, which would restrict one’s movement from place to […]

Republicans Are Giving Themselves COVID-19 In Mississippi And Tennessee

The two without masks both contracted COVID-19. One is the Mississippi House Speaker and the other is the Lt. Gov-- and, of course, they're both TrumpistsTennessee is an overwhelmingly Republican state. All statewide elected officials are Republicans. The state Senate has 28 Republicans and 5 Democrats and the state House has 73 Republicans and 26 Democrats. Both U.S.

Maybe It Really Is Time For the South To Rise Again-- But Without The Built-In Racism This Time

On Friday the House voted, 232-180 to admit Washington, DC-- which has more people than Wyoming and Vermont-- as a state. Every Republican-- ironically, the party of unadulterated and unashamed racism-- voted no, as did the most Republican of the House Dems, Minnesota Blue Dog Collin Peterson.

The Path To Victory Doesn't Go Through Mississippi In 2020

Mississippi is neither the reddest nor the most Trumpist state in the union. The PVI is solidly red-- R+9-- but not as red as states that don't have big populations of minority groups that tend to vote for Democrats. Idaho is R+19; Kansas is R+13. Montana R+11, North Dakota R+17 and Wyoming is R+25. But electorally, none of those states is more likely to vote for Trump than Mississippi is. In fact...

Chicken Or Egg: People In Trump States Have Lower Life Expectancies

Trump states have lower life expectancy. Is that because they embrace Trumpist policies that make them more likely to die sooner than normal people? Or is it the deleterious impact of those policies that cause them to embrace Trumpism in the first place? Monday, Paul Krugman took a closer look: America's Red State Death Trip.