Mises Blog Posts

Left-Liberals on Free Speech and Finance Campaign Laws

It’s widely believed–even by Nolan Chart libertarians–that the left and liberals in America are better on civil liberties than are conservatives. I’ve long believed that this is false: that both are terrible, and that if anything, the left is as bad as, or even worse than, modern American conservatives on civil liberties. (See my posts […]

How to Improve Patent, Copyright, and Trademark Law

As I note in my article “Radical Patent Reform Is Not on the Way,” Mises Daily (Oct. 1, 2009), there is a growing clamor for reform of patent (and copyright) law, due to the increasingly obvious injustices resulting from these intellectual property (IP) laws. However, the various recent proposals for reform merely tinker with details […]

Kaplan University: It’s Time the University Adapted to Students

I just saw the commercial below by Kaplan University, which declaims “it’s time to use technology to rewrite the rules of education.” Looks like they are trying to catch the open education strategy wave the Mises Institute is already riding (and helping to create; see Mises.org on iTunes U; The Intellectual Revolution Is in Process; […]

Why I’m a Libertarian–or, Why Libertarianism is Beautiful

[Originally published December 12, 2006 here on the Mises blog; archived comments here] In a recent email, Walter Block wrote, responding some pessimistic comments I had about our libertarian movement: “Dear Stephan: I never feel like dropping out. Never. No matter what. To me, libertarianism is a most beautiful thing, right up there with Mozart and […]

Mises.org on iTunes U; and the genesis of Libertarian Papers

This is a wonderful article announcing the opening of the Mises Institute’s iTunes U: The Mises Institute is pleased to announce that the multimedia content on Mises.org — many thousands of hours of audio and video — is now available through iTunes U, a dedicated area within the iTunes Store (www.itunes.com). iTunes U carries lectures […]

Is Gay Marriage a Constitutional Right?

Cato’s Robert Levy argues that it is, in The moral and constitutional case for a right to gay marriage. He argues: Thomas Jefferson set the stage in the Declaration of Independence: “[T]o secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men.” The primary purpose of government is to safeguard individual rights and prevent some persons from […]