
Dad Creates Achingly Beautiful Sketch Showing the Pain of Miscarriage

Curtis Wiklund chronicles the life he shares with his wife, Jordin, and their 2 children by creating gorgeous pencil drawings. And although most of the sketches show their lives in a positive light, Wiklund recently put pencil to paper to capture one of the harder moments the couple had to face: their miscarriage.
Titled simply, “Miscarriage,” the heart-breaking drawing shows the aftermath of the couple finding out that their expected pregnancy had come to an end.

The World Just Got Another Step Closer to Creating GMO Humans

Scientists in Britain have recently been given the green light to edit the genes of human embryos for research, leading to fears the practice could lead to “designer babies.”
Chinese scientists set off a firestorm of controversy a year ago when they announced they had begun genetically modifying human embryos. Now, British researcher Kathy Niakan, from London’s Francis Crick Institute has a received a license to carry out similar experiments.

Sacramento Water Utility Hid Carcinogens in Drinking Water

In 2013 and 2014, Sacramento residents were exposed to a carcinogenic chemical in their drinking water called aluminum chlorohydrate, a local news network has reports.
During those 2 years, Sacramento tested aluminum chlorohydrate (ACH) at its main water treatment plant and according to ABC10, red flags went up almost immediately, but the city didn’t warn locals or take action for a year.

Why Some Experts Say Pregnant Women Should Reconsider Many Vaccinations

Driving to the Santa Fe, New Mexico health food co-op, I was surprised to hear a “public service announcement” on a local radio station encouraging pregnant women to get the whooping cough (pertussis) vaccination during their third trimester of pregnancy in order “to confer that immunity to their newborns”. Recommended by the CDC, of course.
The pertussis vaccination is usually packaged as DTaP or Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis vaccine. So adverse side effects, short or long term, are tripled.