
Fatima, Forgeries, Frauds & Fantasies: Jay Dyer / Snek / George (Free Half)

Tonight we cover the long list of papal forgeries long used for centuries to back up the more absurd papal claims, such as universal temporal and *monetary* supremacy.  We will look at the more well known examples like the Donation of Constantine, as well as lesser known documents, and in part 2 touch on Fatima and other so-called “apparitions” which now replace the  authentic direct experience of God with superstition and histrionics.  The full talk is available for subscribers to JaysAnalysis.com.

Jesus in the Law? Elijah as Type of Christ – Jay Dyer

The law and prophets are often typological presentations of the coming Messiah. In the NT Jesus explained the law of Moses and the prophets and Psalms were full of references to Him and that the entirety of those texts was about Him. In other talks I highlighted the Theophanies in the OT who are none other than the Logos, the Second Person. The appearances to Elijah and the symbolism in these texts are often overlooked as prophetic types that attest to inspiration.

Batman, The Saint & Willow! Val Kilmer Triple Feature – Jay Dyer

The Val Triple Feature! Two classics and one stink bomb. We will cover the Lord of the Rings….I mean Willow, the Val Batman, Batman Forever and one of my personal favorites, the ridiculously over the top anti-Russian propaganda film, The Saint, where Val plays the many goofus characters of Simon Templar. LIVE at 7PM EST 

Dead for 45 Minutes, 14 Year Old Boy Comes Back to Life After Prayer

In a recent event, a Missouri-born 14-year-old boy named John was pronounced dead after falling through the ice of Lake St. Louise and remaining underwater for more than 15 minutes. Soon after, doctors pronounced him dead for more than 45 minutes, only for him to come back to life after his mother started praying for him in a loud voice. 
When is the last time you heard a story about someone returning to this plane of existence after death?