Minsk Protocol

The Crisis in Ukraine is a Planetary Crisis Provoked by the U.S. that Threatens Nuclear War

Let us begin a conversation in response to what currently qualifies as the most profound question, the one that needs most urgently to be addressed if we are to have any chance of understanding what we conveniently refer to as the “Ukraine crisis.” This is, more accurately, a planetary crisis—close in magnitude to the near-certainty […]

When Did the Ukraine War Begin?

Viewing the Ukraine war as starting with the current Russian invasion leads to very different conclusions than if you consider that the starting point of this war was the 2014 US-orchestrated coup in Ukraine. The coup, which had elements of an authentic popular revolt, has been used by outside powers to pursue geopolitical ends. The […]
The post When Did the Ukraine War Begin? first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Not by Bread Alone, but Mainly by Platitudes

Unlike many who seem to believe that freedom of movement (since 2020 extinguished in the EU) must mean an end to national borders, I have only felt that borders should be recognised as the product of political will and history. In the entrance to the museum at the Invalides in Paris there is a quote […]
The post Not by Bread Alone, but Mainly by Platitudes first appeared on Dissident Voice.

How the US instigated the Ukraine crisis  

Introduction Russia has sent troops into Ukraine and attacked Ukrainian military forces . In a one hour address, President Putin said the goal was the “de-Nazification” of Ukraine. It is now clear the Russian statements and proposed peace treaty in December 2021 were deadly serious. At that time the Russians said the US and NATO […]
The post How the US instigated the Ukraine crisis   first appeared on Dissident Voice.

The US is the major instigator of the Ukraine conflict

In the midst of turmoil and controversy, it is useful to review the most important preceding events and analyze how did this happen. Following are some key events and historical facts leading to the current crisis in Ukraine. Fact 1. In February 2014, a coup overthrew the Ukrainian government which came to power in an […]
The post The US is the major instigator of the Ukraine conflict first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Why the Russian Federation Recognized the Independence Movements in the Donbas

“Minsk, Minsk, Minsk,” they cried after Russia recognized Donetsk and Luhansk. But those Western diplomats and pundits did not hear those of us in the Anti-war, pro-peace and anti-imperialist movements who insisted that Minsk II was the only conceivable way out of the crisis! There will be reams of words attempting to provide a coherent […]

What Is Going to Happen in Ukraine?

People gather in Rome to call for peace, February 15, 2022 | Photo Credit: Reuters Every day brings new noise and fury in the crisis over Ukraine, mostly from Washington. But what is really likely to happen? There are three possible scenarios: The first is that Russia will suddenly launch an unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. […]
The post What Is Going to Happen in Ukraine? first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Memo to Congress: Diplomacy for Ukraine Is Spelled M-i-n-s-k

Peace protest at the White House – Photo credit: iacenter.org While the Biden administration is sending more troops and weapons to inflame the Ukraine conflict and Congress is pouring more fuel on the fire, the American people are on a totally different track. A December 2021 poll found that a plurality of Americans in both […]
The post Memo to Congress: Diplomacy for Ukraine Is Spelled M-i-n-s-k first appeared on Dissident Voice.