mind control

The Covidian Cult (Part II)

Back in October of 2020, I wrote an essay called The Covidian Cult, in which I described the so-called “New Normal” as a global totalitarian ideological movement. Developments over the last six months have borne out the accuracy of that analogy. A full year after the initial roll-out of the utterly horrifying and completely fictional […]
The post The Covidian Cult (Part II) first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Jacques Ellul: Controversies in the Rise of Propaganda

Orientation Controversies within propaganda theory When I was preparing for a course I had created, “Brainwashing, Propaganda and Rhetoric: Dark Psychology in the 20th Century” I came across the name Jacques Ellul over and over again. Many of the quotes from his book Propaganda amazed me, considering the book was written almost 60 years ago. […]

Serial Killers, Mind Control & Occultism – Pt. 2: Saville, Gacy & More! (Half)

 Yes, I know Saville is not technically a serial killer but he is included here because of his close connection to multiple serial killers as a key go-between.  We will cover the overview information relating to Gacy in Clown and Candyman connecting him to Norman and Paske, as well as McGowan’s analysis.  Depending on […]

Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon Review: CIA & the Counter-Culture – Jay Dyer

 Today I review Dave McGowan’s classic book again and do a boil down and review. I highlight Scorpions & the Cold War, Jim Morrison’s odd background, Frank Zappa & the Arsenal, the “27 club,” rituals, Dahlia event, Miles Copeland, Crowley and Dennis Hopper and much more! Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to […]

Methanol for the CoV2 Hypodermic Chemical Experiment

“There you have it — At-will, AKA at the beckon call, beckon abuse, beckon exploitation, beckon denigration, beckon injurious behavior and workplace environment. These employers are thugs, and from the top down, with their lawyers and MBAs and institutional misleadership yahoos at the executive level, the worker is doomed by this sick system. Forced vaccinations […]

Are Serial Killers POSSESSED?

Note: I meant to say Dahmer planned his altar, not that he constructed it. There are overlooked factors in many cases of the famous serial killers which point to satanism, mind control and dark occultic practices. The media and mainstream narratives have ignored or often covered up these patterns that are a key part of […]
The post Are Serial Killers POSSESSED? appeared first on JaysAnalysis.com.

American Psycho, Zodiac, Se7en, Shockingly Wicked & More! Jay Dyer (Half)

 Jay & Jamie cover the top 8 or 9 serial killer films and their symbolism. Although we already covered Silence of the Lambs, we will cover it again in recap, as well as many others we have yet to analyze. American Psycho has some interesting elements we didn’t expect, as well as a few […]
The post American Psycho, Zodiac, Se7en, Shockingly Wicked & More! Jay Dyer (Half) appeared first on JaysAnalysis.com.