
New Poll Reflects America’s Changing Attitudes Toward Marijuana

A recent survey by Yahoo News and The Marist Poll reveals, among other things, that people – regardless of whether they have children or not – are more concerned about kids smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol than they are about kids using marijuana. [1]
For the survey, 1,122 adults age 18 and older were polled from March 1 through March 7, 2017.

New Census Bureau study shows that 1 in 3 millennials currently live with mom and dad (Chart)

new study from the Census Bureau shows how the American household is changing.
The latest household survey data results show that more millennials are living at home with their moms today, than any other living arrangement in the United States.
Zerohedge reports breaks down the main key takeaways from the survey…

A Clockwork Orange & MK Ultra – Jay Dyer’s Analysis

Purchase my book here.
By: Jay Dyer
Stanley Kubrick’s adaptation of Anthony Burgess’ dystopian novel A Clockwork Orange was definitely due for a full treatment – a full Ludovico Treatment!  I last watched the film some six or seven years ago and, while I knew there were obvious “MK Ultra” themes, there was much I missed.  The same happens with literature too, depending on the phase and time in your life.  Being much more grounded these years later, I am surprised at how much I missed (isn’t that always the case?).