
Our Final Week's Get Out The Vote Ads In Heartland Districts The DCCC Is Ignoring

We asked Blue America members and DWT readers to vote on which districts they wanted us to add our new Get Out the Vote ads with the song Matthew Grimm wrote for us. So, right now, besides the ads running in WI-01 and NE-02, districts where Randy Bryce and Kara Eastman are running, we are also running ads in KS-04 (above) and IA-04 (below), where James Thompson and J.D.

Are Millennial Voters The Keys To The Kingdom In November?

Do you know who the "Millennials" are, aside from "those kids?" At first they were called "Gen Y." and it's debatable about when they started being born and when people started being born into "Gen Z." But generally, Millennials started in the early '80s 'til around 2000. They're the children of the Baby Boomers, my generation. They tend to be more liberal though-- and more familiar with digital technologies.

Democrat Party Exodus: Millennial white men not welcome (Video)

Public demonization, identity politics, and forcing equality of outcome throughout society, is driving white male millennials away from the Democrat Party.
Young white men are increasingly turned off by the Democrats’ embrace of identity politics. An entire generation of voters has become disillusioned with what was once considered an inclusive, working class left, and has now morphed into a social media lynch mob obsessed with the destruction of “The Patriarchy” and “toxic masculinity”.

Avocados in power: millennial upsets Democrat establishment

The Democrats apparently didn’t learn any lessons from their defeat in the 2016 elections. Instead of realizing their defeat as the loss of politics as usual, they preferred to simply point the finger at pretty much anything else, from fake news to bigotry, to ignorance, to you name it. Corporate owned politics in the Democratic Party is now realizing another defeat as a millennial has managed to upset a major congressional election by defeating one of the Democratic Party’s finest, Joseph Crowley.

Julian Langness - Identitarian Nationalists Will Retake Europe & Save America - Hour 1

Julian Langness is an author from the United States who writes for Counter-Currents, TraditionalRight, and a variety of other websites. He was also the keynote speaker at the 2017 American Renaissance Conference. His newest book is entitled “Identity Rising: How Nationalist Millennials Will Re-Take Europe, Save America, And Become The New ‘Greatest Generation’”. His primary focus right now is his new YouTube channel, titled Conquering Modernity, which is focused on questions of life, culture, politics, masculinity, and men’s self-improvement.

‘Rent for Sex’: Landlords Exploit Thousands of Broke Millennials

(ZHE) — It is now time to sound the alarm bells on the economic prospects for the Millennial Generation in the Western world, but more importantly, in the United Kingdom. This generation of citizens aged 18 to 36, is the first in modern developed economies on course to have a lower standard of living than their parents. Housing […]

Kaniela Ing, Austin Frerick-- How Millennial Political Leaders Think

The House Democrats are absolutely geriatric. The leadership is even more geriatric. We need a little-- or more than a little-- balance. I think we have two Blue America candidates in their 20s, both highly accomplished candidates: Austin Frerick (Iowa) and Kaniela Ing (HI). I'm older than both of them combined and yet I feel like I learn every time I talk to either one of them.