Military Coup

Obama Wants America To Become A Killing Zone

The National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 did make America a War Zone. It took away our Bill of Rights that had protected us from torture and indefinite detention and guaranteed us the right to a speedy trial, to legal counsel and to a trial by jury. Courts everywhere have said the police are allowed to use pain to force you to comply with an officer’s orders. If you raise your hands to defend yourself from a cop’s blows, you can be arrested and convicted of a felony for resisting arrest.

Vidrebel July 4th. A Warning To The Nations.

People in foreign countries cannot imagine how far and how fast America has fallen. I seriously question whether or not America will celebrate Independence Day next year and again in 2016. We all know the Bilderberg Society would love us to celebrate Interdependence Day in 2016 or 2017 after we have merged with the European Union and with Canada and Mexico. No freedom for anyone. Just mindless rules and constant surveillance. And the rich will continue to rob the poor.

Vidrebel July 4th. A Warning To The Nations.

People in foreign countries cannot imagine how far and how fast America has fallen. I seriously question whether or not America will celebrate Independence Day next year and again in 2016. We all know the Bilderberg Society would love us to celebrate Interdependence Day in 2016 or 2017 after we have merged with the European Union and with Canada and Mexico. No freedom for anyone. Just mindless rules and constant surveillance. And the rich will continue to rob the poor.

A Letter From America Concerning Worldwide Debt Cancellation

I have taken the liberty to respond in the form of an open letter to your group discussion of how we should guarantee economic rights so no future government can ever again use either Austerity measures or personal or governmental bankruptcy to take away basic economic freedoms like food, housing and utilities. I once proved mathematically that Austerity measures cannot work in the sense of getting us out of debt. What they do is transfer wealth from us to the banks. I have a link  to that article in the references below.

Options and Time Running Out For Establishing That NWO Dictatorship

The people who think they own every government on the earth except for Syria and Iran are bankers. They do not know much about real people and their lives but they do understand money and interest rates. If you follow Zero Hedge or Bloomberg or some other financial source, you will already know that interest rates have been flashing ‘Warning! Crash Ahead’.