Military Coup

State Terror or Capitalist Terror, Military Coup or Capitalist Coup

Democratic critics of military seizures of power commonly refer to them as military coups. They adopt a very narrow and misleading conception of what is taking place.
Likewise, human rights activists and progressive analysts who conceptualize the reign of violence which follows, a ‘coup’ as state terror fail to take account of the systemic forces – the capitalist social order and class relations – which determine the classes which wield state power. They ignore the specific classes and groups which are targeted and which classes direct and benefit from terror.

Choices 2016: Either One Bank One Vote Or One Soldier One Vote.

On Thursday June 18, 2015 the US Congress voted to fast track the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) without letting the public to read the bill. On Tuesday June 23, 2015 the Senate voted for cloture to approve fast track. Those two votes ended Democracy in America. The Congress has not paid attention to voters for a very long time. The previous fast track trade deal was the North American Free Trade Act (NAFTA) which closed 57,000 American manufacturing plants. Since its passage, US politicians added 50 million legal and legal immigrants.