Military Complex

Pentagon Struggles to Defend America’s Secret War in Niger

(ANTIWAR.COM) — The Pentagon, already struggling to manage growing concern about the US military operations ongoing in Africa, is now facing a second problem. Last week, it was revealed that the Pentagon had kept a number of recent clashes in Niger a secret. Pentagon officials are now trying to defend not just the war effort, but the idea […]

PRESS RELEASE: Women’s March on the Pentagon

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Press Contact: Cindy Sheehan Email: PRESS RELEASE: WOMEN’S MARCH ON THE PENTAGON In direct response to ongoing military aggression and mind boggling increases in military funding that pass with bipartisan support in the United States, as well as the absence of the issue of war in the popular Women’s Marches held in […]

Experts Warn Pick of Mike Pompeo Increases Odds of US Attacking Iran

(COMMONDREAMS) — For all the reasons to be concerned about President Trump’s nomination of current CIA director Mike Pompeo to replace Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State, experts on Tuesday warn that an increase risk of a U.S.-initiated war with Iran should be at the top of the list. In case you are wondering why Rex Tillerson […]

Nation Trying to Figure out Gun Violence to Hold Military Parade Glorifying War

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) — Every time a mass shooting rocks the United States, Americans demand their government do something. Whether it’s confiscating guns, arming teachers, or turning schools into prisons, neither politicians or the public can agree upon a solution to the ongoing violence, but they know their government should act. With last month’s Valentine’s Day shooting in […]

US Still Pouring Massive Supply of Weapons Into War-Torn Yemen

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Three years into the 2015 Saudi-led invasion of Yemen, untold thousands are dead. Northern Yemen has been through the worst cholera outbreak in human history, and civilians continue to die in bunches from Saudi airstrikes against the region. To call Yemen war-torn is really putting it mildly. Yemen is in a disastrous state, with a […]

Media Silent as Congress Finally Debates America’s Endless Wars: Video

(COMMONDREAMS) — Taking “an important step towards a long overdue debate and vote,” a bipartisan congressional hearing Tuesday afternoon put a spotlight on what is often dubbed a “blank check for war”—the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF). For over 16 years—a time period spanning the George W. Bush, Obama, and Trump administrations—the executive […]

Intelligence Veterans Warn of Growing Risk for War With Iran Based on False Pretexts

(CN) — As President Donald Trump prepares to host Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu next week, a group of U.S. intelligence veterans offers corrections to a number of false accusations that have been leveled against Iran. MEMORANDUM FOR:  The President FROM:  Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) SUBJECT:  War With Iran INTRODUCTION In our December 21st Memorandum to you, we cautioned that […]

Major Escalation: Trump to Promote US Killing Russians as Proof He’s Not Putin’s Puppet

(ZHE) — In the aftermath of Robert Mueller’s indictment against 13 Russian “operatives” for meddling with the US presidential election, President Trump has been under fire for lashing out at everyone… except Russia. So, in response, Bloomberg reports that the Trump administration is weighing citing the deaths of more than 200 Russian fighters – or rather mercenaries – in […]

Russia Committed an ‘Act of War’ Against the US on Par With Pearl Harbor and 9/11?

(INTERCEPT) — In the wake of last week’s indictments alleging that 13 Russian nationals and entities created fake social media accounts and sponsored political events to sow political discord in the U.S., something of a consensus has arisen in the political and media class (with some notable exceptions) that these actions not only constitute an “act of war” against the U.S., but one so […]

Afghanis Submit Over a Million Complaints of Crimes Against Humanity During Afghan War

(COMMONDREAMS) — International Criminal Court (ICC) judges are weighing over one million statements from Afghans who allege they are victims of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by actors in the armed conflict there, including Afghan forces, the Taliban, the CIA, and the U.S. military. The victims began submitting their statements to the ICC judges in late November […]