Military Complex

Snowden Explains How the Deep State Influences Presidents

(TIM) — Famed whistleblower Edward Snowden was recently interviewed by Italian publication La Repubblic. The publication noted the 5-year mark of Snowden’s historic act of blowing the whistle on the NSA’s expansive surveillance programs and that “many thought he would end up very badly, but when he connects via videolink for this interview with la Repubblica, he seems […]

US Announces Another $1 Billion in New Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia

(ANTIWAR.COM) — President Trump made clear earlier in the week during his meeting with the Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman that US arms sales to the Saudis are a top priority. Already, the State Department has announced another $1 billion in arms sales to the Saudis. The sales are going to include 6,600 TOW 2B missiles, at […]

Duterte Remains Defiant, Even as the US Gifts the Philippines $13 Million in Drones

(ANTIMEDIA) — Last Tuesday, the U.S. officially handed over the first new drones for the Philippines that were transferred through foreign military financing, according to the Diplomat. The Diplomat’s Prashanth Parameswaran explained that despite the problems President Rodrigo Duterte has posed for the U.S.-Philippines alliance, the drone transfer reinforced growing defense cooperation between the two countries. Whether or not Duterte has any say in this […]

Rand Paul: Deep State Exists, Uses Intelligence for Political Purposes

(TIM) — Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said Tuesday during an appearance on The Laura Ingraham Show podcast that the term “deep state” accurately describes how an unelected bureaucracy of national security officials in positions of power exert influence without Congressional oversight. “Absolutely, there is a deep state, because the deep state is the intelligence agencies that do […]

‘Buy American’: Trump to Boost Exports of Lethal US Drones to ‘Create Jobs’

(ANTIWAR.COM) — With drone warfare a hot business in recent years, the US has kept a careful handle on who they allow to buy US-made lethal drones. Reports suggest that’s about to change, with President Trump set to ease the rules substantially, opening up sales to dozens of new customers. This isn’t just a scramble for growing arms […]

Army National Guard General Investigated After Ties to Defense Contractor Exposed

(ANTIMEDIA) —  A former general of the Army National Guard who rose to the role of advisor to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon is under criminal investigation over his close ties to a defense contractor. Brigadier General Michael Bobeck, whose military service spanned nearly four decades, retired in December of 2016. But that was only after […]

‘Blood of Thousands on Their Hands’: Congress Votes to Continue US-Backed Yemen War

(CD) — While 44 U.S. Senators on Tuesday were applauded by peace groups for voting in favor of a resolution that would have allowed Congress to begin reclaiming its war-making authority and ended the U.S. military’s backing of Saudi Arabia’s assault on Yemen, it was ultimately not enough to overcome entrenched opposition from the 45 Republicans and […]

What the Media Isn’t Telling You About Social Media

(CORBETT) — Now openly admitted, governments and militaries around the world employ armies of keyboard warriors to spread propaganda and disrupt their online opposition. Their goal? To shape public discourse around global events in a way favourable to their standing military and geopolitical objectives. Their method? The weaponization of social media.  TRANSCRIPT: It didn’t take long from […]

A World War Might Sound Crazy, but It Could Be America’s Last Act of Desperation

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) — Though some have been warning about the catastrophic potential for a third global conflict for years, it wasn’t until recently that these warnings became more mainstream. The calamitous nature of the violence in Syria — which has one nuclear power defending a government that has been the target of a regime change operation led by the world’s superpower — combined with 2017’s threats of “fire […]