Military Complex

Winning an Arms Race in Space: Trump Wants to Militarize Life Beyond Earth

(CN) — When Donald Trump declared it was time to Make America Great Again, he didn’t just mean here on Earth. As he directed the Pentagon in June to create a new branch of the armed services devoted just to space warfare, Trump declared, “It is not enough to have an American presence in space. We must have American dominance in […]

Trump: NATO Will Be Strong Again Because of Me

(ANTIWAR.COM) — In new comments, President Trump is claiming NATO “was essentially going out of business” before he came along, and now will be “strong again.” He added that this is all because of him and his “strong tone” at the recent summit. Trump was declaring victory over the summit earlier this month, with claims that the nations had […]

Saudi King Threatens Military Action If Qatar Installs Russian Air Defense System

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Saudi King Salman has threatened to take military action against neighboring Qatar if the nation follows through with a plan to install an anti-aircraft defense system. Salman said he would take military action to “eliminate this defense system.” Saudi Arabia and many of its allies severed ties with Qatar last year, based around a false media […]

Arms Manufacturer Lockheed Martin Opening Preschools in Jerusalem

(MEMO) — One of the biggest weapons manufacture in the world is setting up shop in Jerusalem to deliver education programmes to children as young as five. Lockheed Martin is famous for manufacturing the F-35 fighter jet, famed for pummeling Palestinians in Gaza. The American aerospace and weapons firm is now partnering with the Israeli education ministry […]

Poland Offers $2 Billion for Permanent US Military Base

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Poland has long expressed interest in securing a permanent deployment of foreign troops from a NATO member nation. The Polish Defense Ministry has confirmed that they are willing to pay the US up to $2 billion if it is an American base. Defense Ministry officials say that there is a “clear and present need” for Poland […]

US Commander in Europe Wants More Troops and Resources to Target Russia

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Russia has begun substantial multi-year cuts on their own military spending, but that isn’t going to deter Pentagon brass who intend to keep using it for more spending to “counter” them. European Command head Gen. Curtis Scaparrotti is the latest to push this narrative. Gen. Scaparrotti suggested that the “modernization” of Russia’s military means that […]

US House Overwhelmingly Passes $717 Billion Spending Bill to ‘Rebuild Our Military’

(ANTIWAR.COM) — In a 351-66 vote, the House of Representatives has passed their version of the 2019 military spending bill, the National Defense Authorization Act. The NDAA intends to spend $717 billion in the next fiscal year on the military, wars, and nuclear arms. This is another substantial increase in military spending, broadly supported within both parties. Only 7 Republicans […]

As Civilian Deaths in Yemen Mount, US to Sell Saudi Arabia Billions More in Bombs

(CD) — Further demonstrating the willingness of the U.S. to reward and perpetuate the war crimes of its allies, the Trump administration is reportedly moving ahead with a multi-billion-dollar sale of so-called “smart bombs” to Saudi Arabia just weeks after the U.S.-backed Saudi-led coalition bombed a wedding in Yemen, killing more than 20 people. First reported by The Intercept‘s Alex Emmons on Friday, […]

Turkey Will Retaliate If US Halts Weapons Sales Over Purchase of Russian Arms

(MEMO) — Turkey will retaliate if the United States enacts a proposed law that would halt weapons sales to the country, Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Sunday. Lawmakers in the US House of Representatives released details on Friday of a $717 billion annual defence policy bill, including a measure to temporarily halt weapons sales to Turkey. […]

As Russia’s Military Shrinks, US Navy Forms a New Fleet to ‘Counter’ Them

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Russia’s military spending has been declining in recent years, and is expected to shrink even more in the next few years. Despite this, the US seems to have no problem using Russia as an excuse to keep justifying more military spending. The latest move, from the US Navy, is to form an entire new naval fleet. The US […]