military base

New Russian Carribean military base

Moscow has apparently decided to set up a military base in the Caribbean Sea. This base would be on the island of La Orchila, roughly 120 miles northeast of Caracas. The recent arrival of two Tu-160 supersonic bombers is for this new base.
This move reportedly is a response to US President Donald Trump’s intent to abandon the Intermediate Range Nuclear Missile treaty signed with the Soviet Union decades ago. This news was reported by

From Jeju and Afghanistan, an Asia Peace Pivot

“Don’t you touch me!” declared Mi Ryang.
South Korean police were clamping down on a villager who was resisting the construction of a Korean/U.S. naval base at her village.  Mi Ryang managed to turn the police away by taking off her blouse and, clad in her bra, walking toward them with her clear warning.  Hands off!  Mi Ryang is fondly referred to as “Gangjeong’s daughter” by villagers who highly regard her as the feisty descendant of legendary women sea divers.  Her mother and grandmother were Haenyo divers who supported their families every day by diving for shellfish.