
Lithuania is training the Ukrainian military despite its own inexperience

By Paul Antonopoulos | February 3, 2021 Lithuanian military instructors trained the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UBS) last month as a group of specialists from the National Defense Volunteer Force, the Training Doctrine Headquarters, the GKS Air Base and the Engineering Battalion went to Ukraine. The Lithuanian Ministry of Defense is attempting to bring the Ukrainian […]

November 17th, 1973 and the Legacy of State Terror

In a prison hospital in Athens, Greece, a man named Dimitris Koufontinas lies unconscious most of the time.  Almost a month into a water-only hunger strike, one of his tremendously weakened organs could fail, and he could die at any moment. As always, there’s a lot happening in the world.  Ongoing wars between countries, civil […]
The post November 17th, 1973 and the Legacy of State Terror first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Will More Police-State Arrangements Foster Democracy?

The events of January 6, 2021 in Washington D.C. were historic and will be analyzed for some time to come. Many were rattled and shaken to their core by what unfolded that day in the nation’s capital. Others were excited, relieved, and hopeful. Since then, all sorts of disinformation, confusion, and illusions have filled mainstream […]
The post Will More Police-State Arrangements Foster Democracy? first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Taliban Warns of ‘Consequences’ Amid Reports That Biden Has Scrapped Trump Pledge on Afghan Pullout

By Ilya Tsukanov – Sputnik – 31.01.2021 The Trump administration reached a peace deal with the Taliban last February, with the agreement envisioning a complete pullout of foreign troops from Afghanistan by May 2021, intra-Afghan peace talks, and a pledge by the militant group not to allow the country to become a haven for terrorists. […]

What Happened to JFK and a Foreign Policy of Peace?

By Rick Sterling | Global Research | January 27, 2021 Sixty years ago, John F Kennedy (JFK) was inaugurated as president of the USA. In less than three years, before he was assassinated in November 1963, he initiated major changes in foreign policy. These foreign policy changes are documented in books such as “JFK and the Unspeakable” […]

Biden Regime Puts The Brakes On Trump’s Germany Troop Draw Down

By Tyler Durden | Zero Hedge | January 29, 2021 Perhaps as expected, it didn’t take long for the Biden administration to begin putting the brakes on Trump’s previously ordered troop draw downs which occurred in the last two months of his presidency, particularly in Germany, Iraq, and Afghanistan. The defense analysis and news site is reporting that […]

Will Biden End America’s Global War on Children?

The first day of the 2020 school year in Tiaz, Yemen (Ahmad Al-Basha/AFP) Most people regard Trump’s treatment of immigrant children as among his most shocking crimes as president. Images of hundreds of children stolen from their families and imprisoned in chain-link cages are an unforgettable disgrace that President Biden must move quickly to remedy […]
The post Will Biden End America’s Global War on Children? first appeared on Dissident Voice.

NATO Secretary General sounds alarm over ‘Russian aggression’, encourages members to increase military spending

RT | January 28, 2021 NATO’s top official has warned that its member states face existential threats to their safety, democracy and way of life from both terrorism and nations like Russia and China. Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg made the remarks at a meeting of the bosses of the bloc’s armed forces on Wednesday. His […]

Netanyahu to dispatch Mossad chief to meet Biden & outline Israel’s demands for Iran nuclear deal overhaul

RT | January 24, 2021 Mossad chief Yossi Cohen may become the first top Israeli official to meet new US president Joe Biden amid concerns in Tel Aviv that his administration is set to revive the Obama-era international nuclear pact with Iran. The head of Israeli secret service and one of PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s most […]