
Inventing Enemies to Wage Perpetual War

By Stephen Lendman | April 25, 2021 Washington needs enemies to advance its hegemonic agenda for unchallenged global control. Since none exist, they’ve been invented throughout US history — first against Native Americans, then against foreign nations. Post-WW II, the US attacked nonbelligerent North Korea preemptively, a state of perpetual war on humanity has existed […]

NATO Raises Military Tensions against Russia over False Accusations of Russian Threats against Ukraine

A new round of disinformation and threats against Russia is being staged by the NATO military powers and their state and corporate media outlets. The backdrop is the continued military occupation and aggression by Ukraine in sections of the Donbas region in the east of the country, combined with the Ukrainian government’s ongoing refusal to […]

US Honey Still Contains Radioactive Fallout From 1950s Nuclear Weapons Tests, Study Finds

By Morgan Artyukhina – Sputnik – 23.04.2021 While the damage done to honeybee hives by pesticides is well documented, the effects of radioactive fallout is less well understood. However, bees near Ukraine’s Chernobyl exclusion zone were observed to have lower reproduction after the 1986 reactor disaster scattered fallout across the region. Early atmospheric tests of […]

Norwegian City ‘Ill-Prepared’ to Welcome NATO Nuclear Submarines

By Igor Kuznetsov – Sputnik – 23.04.2021 Despite treating a nuclear accident as an unlikely scenario, the Norwegian Armed Forces warned that it may lead to death, damage overall health over time and do great radioactive harm to nature and the environment. While the first NATO nuclear submarines are set to dock soon outside the […]

As British Warships Deploy to Black Sea, Putin Warns of Red Lines

By Finian Cunningham | Strategic Culture Foundation | April 22, 2021 Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a stern warning to countries trying to provoke military tensions, saying that his nation is drawing up red lines for defense. Putin delivered the sharp remarks during his annual state-of-the-nation address to lawmakers from both chambers of the Russian parliament. The […]

Biden’s Appeasement of Hawks and Neocons is Crippling His Diplomacy

Biden with NATO’s Stoltenberg (Photo credit: President Biden took office promising a new era of American international leadership and diplomacy. But with a few exceptions, he has so far allowed self-serving foreign allies, hawkish U.S. interest groups and his own imperial delusions to undermine diplomacy and stoke the fires of war. Biden’s failure to […]

Latest Skirmish with Syria Shows Israel Is Much Weaker Than It Looks

By Eric Striker | National Justice | April 22, 2021 For years Israel’s Arab neighbors have grown accustomed to routine unprovoked attacks on their infrastructure, soldiers and civilians by the Jewish state. While Syria’s air defense has been increasing its success rate in quashing Israeli raids, the latest exchange between the two countries has opened […]

How the US is Creating Trouble Around Russia

By Salman Rafi Sheikh – New Eastern Outlook – 21.04.2021 When the US president Joe Biden delivered his first major foreign policy speech in February, he signalled America’s return to an interventionist and confrontationist policy design, one that thrives on creating troubles for its competitors. Accordingly, whereas we see the US continues to blame the […]

Interventionist Hypocrisy on U.S. Deaths in Afghanistan

By Jacob G. Hornberger | FFF | April 21, 2021 I’m always fascinated by the sacrificial mindset that interventionists have toward the lives of U.S. soldiers who they want to do the intervening. A recent example is Brett Stephens, a columnist for the New York Times. In an op-ed entitled “Abandoning Afghanistan Is a Historic Mistake,” Stephens […]

New Green Deal + Old War Deal = Same Rotten Deal

While a new American administration presides over what many believe is a return to normal after the more openly blatant worship of wealth and Israel of the Trump regime, what’s missed is that what passes for normal is what needs radical change. As long as market normalcy in the USA means hundreds of thousands of […]
The post New Green Deal + Old War Deal = Same Rotten Deal first appeared on Dissident Voice.