
China may be building new nuclear missile silos in its western desert… but only in response to American aggression

By Tom Fowdy | RT | July 7, 2021 US reports claiming Beijing is greatly strengthening its nuclear arsenal can’t be confirmed, but it wouldn’t be surprising, given Washington’s threats against Beijing and its military build-up in the region. Much has been said recently about an exclusive report published in the Washington Post analysing satellite imagery that […]

Australia Blindly Follows the United States, Regardless of National Interest

One of the more disturbing features of Australian foreign policy is engagement in foreign military activities of minimal importance to Australia’s real military needs. It is a policy that has been pursued by both Liberal and Labor governments and it has a very long history. In the post-World War II era Australia first became involved […]

Batty Bioweapons, 5G, and Star Wars

An interview with myself, Paul Haeder, a radical Marxist from the Pacific Northwest and my ideas about what is going on to drive the 4th Industrial Revolution and the Great Reset. It’s not pretty, for sure, how I go all crazy and fugue like, in the interview (man, the lack of teaching 30 students face […]
The post Batty Bioweapons, 5G, and Star Wars first appeared on Dissident Voice.

‘No state cover-up’: French government refuses to apologize over Pacific nuclear test radiation levels

RT | July 2, 2021 France’s junior defense minister Genevieve Darrieussecq has denied her country engaged in a “state cover-up” to conceal the extent of the impact of nuclear tests conducted by the country in the Pacific between 1966 and 1996. Speaking following the conclusion of a two-day roundtable meeting, Darrieussecq declared that “there was […]

The Istanbul Canal opens the path for further NATO pressure against Russia

By Paul Antonopoulos | July 2, 2021 A new mega-project has been launched – the Istanbul Canal, connecting the Marmara and Black Seas. It will be an alternative to the Bosporus Strait, and thus challenges the Montreux Treaty and opens the path for further NATO pressure against Russia. However, there is major opposition to the […]

Inside Biden’s new “domestic terrorism” strategy

By Kit Knightly | OffGuardian | July 1, 2021 Following the (completely contrived) Capitol Hill “riot” on January 6th, Joe Biden made it clear – or rather, the people that control Joe Biden made it clear – “domestic terrorism” was going to be a defining issue of his presidency. Indeed, in an act of startling prescience, the […]

America Leader of the Free World? How to Forget U.S. interference in Foreign Elections

By Philip Giraldi | Strategic Culture Foundation | July 1, 2021 After only five months in office, [proclaimed] President Joe Biden has already become notorious for his verbal gaffes and mis-spokes, so much so that an admittedly Republican-partisan physician has suggested that he be tested to determine his cognitive abilities. That said, however, there is […]