
Dog Food for Homo sapiens: Rendered Road Kill for All

The they, of course, are the capitalists. The bankers. The mortgage companies. The housing agencies. The alphabet soup of agencies which will squeeze blood from turnips and your progeny’s progeny. The media is the medium for their poison, all those tricks of the mind, subliminal and overt, messages that cause chaos, the mass hysteria, the […]
The post Dog Food for Homo sapiens: Rendered Road Kill for All first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Will Biden Start Nuclear War with China Over Taiwan?

By Ron Paul | October 25, 2021 President Biden’s “townhall” meeting this past week was a disaster. From his bizarre poses to the incoherent answers, it seemed to confirm America’s worst fears about a president we are told was elected by the most voters ever. Though he didn’t bother campaigning, we are to believe he … … Continue reading →

Biden has pledged that ‘America is back.’ But as peace shatters in the Balkans, does that mean yet more US misadventures?

KFOR forces patrol near the border crossing between Kosovo and Serbia in Jarinje, Kosovo, October 2, 2021. © REUTERS / Laura Hasani; Inset © REUTERS / Evelyn Hockstein By Julian Fisher | RT | October 24, 2021 With warnings that fresh tensions between Serbia and Kosovo could unravel the decades-old peace deal that put an […]

NATO’s new secret plan for nuclear war & space battles with Russia risks spiraling into a new arms race

By Paul Robinson | RT | October 24, 2021 Tensions between Russia and NATO are at an all-time high. But instead of seeking a way off the ladder of escalation, the US-led bloc’s new plan for hybrid war risks accelerating an already dangerous lethal arms race with Moscow. There’s a concept in international relations, almost […]

NATO, Not Russia, Perpetuates Cold War Logic… It is a Relic Best Ignored

Strategic Culture Foundation | October 22, 2021 It was the end of an era this week when Russia announced that it was severing diplomatic links with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. For the past 30 years since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the Russian Federation has engaged with the US-led military bloc in a […]

The Moment Biden Casually Committed To WW3 Over Taiwan At Last Night’s Town Hall

By Tyler Durden | Zero Hedge | October 22, 2021 Apparently the commander-in-chief thinks that the United States has some kind of treaty or “commitment” to defend Taiwan in the scenario of an attack from China. There is absolutely no commitment to do such a thing, but the casualness with which Joe Biden at last […]

Generational, Historical, Familial, Capitalism Trauma

Whew, the realities of so many people as part of the walking wounded in high and low places. The landscape in USA, now Canada, UK and parts of Europe, where the Capitalists buff their gold-plated toilets and polish their collection of cars, there are hundreds of millions of people, rudderless, broken, flayed, laid prostrate from […]
The post Generational, Historical, Familial, Capitalism Trauma first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Yahoo! News Informs the Stupid Peasants Why the US Needs to Go to War to Protect Taiwan

By Andrew Anglin | The Daily Stormer | October 14, 2021 Yahoo! News had this headline at the top on Thursday morning. When you click the article, you get this different headline: The actual appropriate headline for this article would be “A Baby’s First Guide to Why the US Must Initiate a World War in Order […]

Anti-Trump Neocons Led By Ex-CIA Operative To Back Democrats In Midterms

By Tyler Durden | Zero Hedge | October 14, 2021 A group of Republicans who hate all things Trump are set to endorse a slate of Democratic lawmakers throughout next year’s midterm election season in a bid to stop the Republican party from regaining control of Congress. Led in part by former CIA counterintelligence officer […]