
Americans for War

Is the Ukraine/Russia conflict a US foreign policy goal? Techno Fog | January 19, 2022 Dare I say a dangerous truth, but there are politicians and analysts and journalists who want Russia to invade Ukraine. Not because these folks are “Putin apologists,” to quote a popular insult they use against the anti-war crowd. But because […]

Pandemics, Lockdowns, and Martial Law

Totalitarian paranoia runs deep in American society, and it now inhabits the highest levels of government. — Professor Henry Giroux Once upon a time, there was a government so paranoid about its hold on power that it treated everyone and everything as a threat and a reason to expand its powers. Unfortunately, the citizens of […]
The post Pandemics, Lockdowns, and Martial Law first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Why Washington’s Focus on “Credibility” is a Recipe for War

The most pressing threat to global security right now isn’t so-called “provocations” by either Russia or China. It is the United States’ misplaced obsession with its own “credibility”. This rallying cry by Washington officials – echoed by the media and allies in London and elsewhere – is code for allowing the US to act like […]
The post Why Washington’s Focus on “Credibility” is a Recipe for War first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Russian roulette: as croupier at this particular casino table, I invite you to place your bets

By Gilbert Doctorow | January 14, 2022 The Russia-US-NATO-OSCE meetings this week have come and gone.  The Russian verdict was succinctly delivered by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Ryabkov, who explained even before the OSCE session was over that the talks have come to “a dead end” and it was unlikely the Russians will […]

NATO Expansion: Blinken and Stoltenberg lie intentionally and the media let them

By Jan Oberg | The Transnational | January 13, 2022 To deceive, telling half-truths, or a complete lie is nothing new in politics, particularly security in politics. But until some 20-30 years ago, I would – perhaps naively – see it as an exception. Tragically – and perhaps to many readers’ surprise – it is […]

Anachronistic Frivolity: Australia’s Recent Tank Purchase

The operating doctrine of many a defence ministry is premised on fatuity.  There is the industry prerogative and need for employment.  There are the hectoring think tanks writing in oracular tones of warning that the next “strategic” change is peeking around the corner.  Purchases of weapons are then made to fight devils foreign and invisible, […]

Where Are the Realists?

US foreign policy endangers Americans without delivering any benefits BY PHILIP GIRALDI • UNZ REVIEW • JANUARY 11, 2022 Sometimes it seems that when it comes to international relations Russian president Vladimir Putin might be the only head of state who is capable of any rational proposals. His recent negotiating positions conveyed initially by Deputy […]

Hey, Hey, USA! How Many Bombs Did You Drop Today?

August 2020 U.S. drone strike in Kabul killed 10 Afghan civilians. (Credit: Getty Images) The Pentagon has finally published its first Airpower Summary since President Biden took office nearly a year ago. These monthly reports have been published since 2007 to document the number of bombs and missiles dropped by U.S.-led air forces in Afghanistan, Iraq and […]