
Why did the US embassy official website just REMOVE all evidence of Ukrainian bioweapons labs?

By Lance D Johnson | Natural News | March 2, 2022 The official US embassy website recently REMOVED all evidence of bio-labs in Ukraine. These bio-labs are funded and jointly operated by the US Department of Defense (DOD). The laboratory documents were public knowledge up until February 25, 2022. These documents include important construction, financing and […]

Lavrov explains Ukraine’s jitter regarding talks with Moscow

Kiev is taking orders from Washington and does what it is told to, Russia’s foreign minister claims RT | March 3, 2022 Ukraine is not a sovereign country, and this explains why its dealings with Russia to negotiate a cessation of hostilities was so chaotic, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov claimed during an interview with […]

Plan Puma: When Argentina Ran Military Drills at the Behest of the US to Invade Venezuela

By Julian Cola | MintPress News | March 1, 2022 BUENOS AIRES – Argentina’s Defense Minister Jorge Tayana and his Venezuelan counterpart, Minister of People’s Power for Defense Vladimir Padrino López, have agreed to cooperate in pursuing their investigation of Puma, a series of military exercises conducted in Argentina in 2019 with the aim of invading Venezuela […]

The US and NATO have never been sanctioned for starting wars. Why?

By Robert Bridge | RT | March 2, 2022 The West has taken an extreme stance against Russia over its invasion in Ukraine. This reaction exposes a high degree of hypocrisy considering that US-led wars abroad never received the punitive response they deserved. If the current events in Ukraine have proven anything, it’s that the […]

Lavrov: US Nuclear Weapons in Europe are Unacceptable for Russia, Time to Return Them Home

Sputnik – 01.03.2022 Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has declared that the presence of US nuclear weapons in Europe is simply unacceptable for Moscow. In the current situation, Lavrov argued, it is important to prevent a new round of the arms race, and said that Russia calls upon the United States and its allies to […]

Russia blames UK FM for elevated nuclear alert

The British foreign secretary made “unacceptable” statements on “clashes” between NATO and Russia RT | February 28, 2022 Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Monday that Russian President Vladimir Putin placed Russia’s deterrence forces – including nuclear weapons – on high alert in response to statements by British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss on potential conflict […]

The ‘Constructive Destruction’ of Russia’s Model of Relations with the West

By Alastair Crooke | Strategic Culture Foundation | February 27, 2022 The collective West was already angry. And it is apoplectic after President Putin shocked western leaders by ordering a special military operation in Ukraine, which is being widely described (and perceived in the West) as a declaration of war: ‘a shock and awe assault affecting cities widely across Ukraine’. […]

Ukraine frees, arms felons to fight Russia, prosecutor confirms

RT | February 27, 2022 Ukraine is releasing inmates and criminal suspects with a military background so they can join the fight against Russia’s “special operation” in the country, an official in Ukraine’s prosecutor general’s office confirmed on Sunday. Moscow attacked its neighbor on Thursday, arguing it was defending the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, […]