
The Return of the Hawks

By Sohrab Ahmari | Compact | March 22, 2022 Liberal hawks are flying high once more, talons extended for the hunt. For weeks now, Javelins, NLAWs, and other “defensive” arms have been flooding Ukraine, courtesy not just of the Pentagon, but good liberals and social democrats in Brussels, Berlin, Paris, Stockholm, Lisbon, Madrid, and elsewhere. […]

War Crimes, Mental Molestation and Language Rape

The incredible market for human slaughter called war existed thousands of years ago but it was a corner grocery store compared to the multi-trillion dollar moral sewer that represents modern mass murder. Part of what enables imperial and even lesser powers to slaughter at will is a rule book drawn up long ago when there […]
The post War Crimes, Mental Molestation and Language Rape first appeared on Dissident Voice.

President Joe Biden Seeks to Destroy Russia and Punish the Russian People

Who, really, is the War Criminal? So what does President Joe Biden want the sanctions imposed on Russia to do? Think back to the 1990s and what the US-NATO imposed no-fly zone and sanctions did to the people of Iraq?  The results were almost 1 million Iraqis dead, according to the website Over at […]

US to Use Ukraine as Stepping Stone toward Taiwan Provocation

The US is planning to provoke conflict with China through Taiwan just as it has done to Russia through Ukraine. A similar process of replacing both governments in 2014 and then preparing both territories for war has been underway since. US policy papers have called for the encirclement and containment of both Russia and China […]

‘US to send Soviet missiles to Ukraine’

Samizdat | March 22, 2022 The US is planning to deliver to Ukraine medium anti-aircraft systems taken from its own stockpile of Soviet military hardware, the Wall Street Journal reported on Monday, citing unnamed US officials. The anti-aircraft systems were obtained through a clandestine program to study them and teach American troops how to counter them. Ukrainian […]

Does Nato want peace in Ukraine? It doesn’t sound like it

By Kathy Gyngell | TCW Defending Freedom | March 22, 2022 Is there a path to peace in Ukraine?  That’s the title of an article published on The American Conservative website two weeks ago that has only just crossed my desk. Douglas MacGregor, a retired US Army colonel, a senior fellow with The American Conservative, and former adviser to […]