mike raddie

Bravo Marx Memorial Library & Workers’ School

Tonight the excellent Vanessa Beeley gave another important and crucial talk on Syria - 'Aleppo - Fall or Liberation?'. The implicit question in the title alluded to gulf between the western corporate media's interpretation and reporting of events in East Aleppo during December 2016 and the reality on the ground as seen by Vanessa and other independent witnesses, including the Reverend Andrew Ashdown, who were there to see first hand the liberation of the thousands of civilians held captive for over four years.

Rank Hypocrisy at UK Foreign Office

It is no exaggeration to suggest that in the past century alone the UK has been at the forefront of the bloody industry that is modern war and has done everything possible to avoid and disrupt the peace. Barely a year has gone by since the end of the second world war when the British military were not fighting and killing in some far off country
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“Food Insecurity” Otherwise Known As Famine, Starvation and Death in Ethiopia 2016

You may be thinking 'but this disaster befell that poor African country more than thirty years ago, surely things must be better today'. Well sadly, no, things are not any better. In fact the systemic failures which precipitated the local food shortages and amplified the effects of the drought have never been fixed and are in fact worse today than they were back then.

Isn’t it Time We Stopped Colluding With Radical Islam?

Anyone else think it’s time our governments stopped colluding with radical Islam? Stopped arming, training and financing these crazed psychopaths? Imposed sanctions on their ideological sponsors, Qatar, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia? No? Ok, fuck it, its just me then! According to Turkish journalist Abdullah Bozkurt Russia’s President Putin has started to name and shame those countries financing the rise of ISIS terror: […]

US sends less than 50 special forces to advise ‘moderate opposition’ in Syria – White House

The presence of any sort of US troops in Syria was not authorized by either the elected government in Damascus or by the United Nations.
Though Earnest did not say specifically which forces the US advisers will be aiding, he did refer to a group 45 kilometers outside the IS capital of Raqqa, which the media has been calling 'Syrian Democratic Forces' [newspeak for those fighting against the democratically elected government of Syria]

‘US, UK disgusted only when their enemies chop people’s heads off’

After ignoring beheadings by radical jihadists in Syria for years, as well as legal executions by their Middle Eastern allies, it’s a little hypocritical for Obama and Cameron to voice outrage at ISIS now, antiwar activist Michael Raddie told RT.
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