Mike Huckabee

Fasten your seatbelts, buckos -- it's going to be a banner election season for the madly whirling Candidate Shuffle

I just love this headline, which shows us that the Candidate Shuffle season is in full whirl. You can see the full article below.by KenIt's hardly a new-for-2016, the Candidate Shuffle. One of the reasons God created political "handlers" is to help candidates figure out what potential voters want to hear them say.

It's bad enough that racist whitefolk lie about "Black Lives Matter" -- but to drag MLK Jr. into their lies?

Seriously, "Minister Mike" Hucksterbee imagines himself as a custodian of the teachings of "the moral leader of our nation," as he's described aptly in the clip above, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.? Friggin' unbelievable.by KenI can't be the only one who has been taken aback by the widespread frenzy with which race-baiting whitefolk have responded to the Black Lives Matter phenomenon.

Huckabee traveling to Israel to raise money for presidential campaign

Press TV – August 16, 2015 US presidential candidate Mike Huckabee says he is traveling to Israel this week to raise money for his campaign and meet with a number of Israeli officials to discuss the nuclear accord with Iran. The former governor of Arkansas opposes the Obama administration’s nuclear agreement with Iran, like most […]

Yes, Multimillionaire Jeb Bush Wants To Raise The Retirement Age For Working People To "68 Or 70"

New York's 24th Congressional District-- basically Syracuse plus a chunk of central New York from Oswego to the Finger Lakes to Rochester's eastern suburbs-- turned blue in the '90s. The PVI is D+1 and Obama beat McCain 56-42% and then beat Romney by an even greater margin, 57-41%. The Democratic congressman, Dan Maffei, was a wishy-washy New Dem who never embraced core progressive values and tended to vote with the GOP on crucial roll calls too frequently for grassroots Dems to countenance.

My Favorite Presidential Candidate

The candidate I’m voting for acknowledges that forgiving and forgetting U.S. war crimes has not worked. They continue to haunt and hamper us. Former administration officials who lied us into war in Afghanistan and Iraq must be brought to justice. We need to know who falsified the intelligence and why. Remember their catchy slogan: “We don’t want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud”?
Hundreds of thousands have died and many innocents continue to suffer for this cynical deception.

As the hustling Hucksterbee makes more candidate-like noises, we ponder: What makes Minister Mike run?

"Everywhere I go," says Minister Mike, "people tell me they hope I run." Like this guy? Has the Hucksterbee perhaps been spending too much time on the "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" circuit?by KenYesterday former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee announced that he will announce his decision whether to run for president in 2016 on May 5.

Mike Huckabee Wants To Start A Third Party Even More Reactionary Than The GOP

A right-wing propaganda site reported Thursday that Mike Huckabee fears the Republican Party is getting too liberal. In poll after poll, the vast majority of normal Americans think the Republican Party has drifted way too far to the right. But Huckabee is now whining publicly about starting a third, more reactionary political party.