Mike Bloomberg

Corrupt and Incompetent Presidential Campaigns Are Becoming the Norm

There is certain wisdom to the statement that “no one is truly qualified to be President”. The leader of the United States (or any other country) should in theory have an expert level of knowledge in all the areas of society that the government is responsible for. This is a wide variety of issues from the military, to healthcare, to road infrastructure to agriculture. The leader with the veto hammer should know it all and not only that but be an incredible public speaker with a good sense of humor that works for a wide audience and be at least six feet tall.

Nevada Caucus-Goers Crown Bernie Sanders, Bury Bloomberg and Warren

The ninth Democratic nationally televised debate between presidential candidates on Wednesday, February 19 proved to be a crucial one; Dramatic confrontations and melt-downs during it could be clearly seen to impact on the outcome of the Nevada state caucuses, which took place only three days later.
Nevada confirmed the main trends that had emerged in New Hampshire and Iowa, Senator Bernie Sanders, championing ideas so radical that President Franklin Roosevelt supported them 80 years ago, came first with an impressive 40.5 percent.

Fat Women Are Not a National Priority

Good work, Democrats! In the Las Vegas debate, you blasted every target but Donald Trump. Instead of quivering in his Gucci loafers, the man who would be king was left dancing on air.
The man who should have been king, newcomer Mike Bloomberg, was left looking like a beaten-up cigar store Indian. He had not prepped for the debate and failed to dodge the obvious incoming missile attacks on him launched by a hissing Elizabeth Warren and Pete Buttigieg.

Democrat Debate: Bloomberg Left for Dead in Nevada Desert

Who would have thought than an open debate about the merits of capitalism versus socialism would predominate in the otherwise neoliberal Democrat Party? The February 19th Democrat primary debate in Las Vegas saw a candidate-wide consensus that Mike Bloomberg is an unwelcome intruder into the party’s politics. Bloomberg is known for being a weak debater, and his ride as mayor of New York was the fruitful product of his dealings with the more sociable former mayor, Giuliani.

Michael Bloomberg Among the Attack Dogs

Michael Bloomberg is one of the wealthiest individuals who have ever lived. A personal fortune of $65 billion is quite simply inconceivable, even to the person who owns it. Add to that – he did not inherit any of his wealth. He was a brilliant and innovative businessman. He was three times elected Mayor of New York City and is the only one of only four men to have held the job for 12 consecutive years in the past two centuries. In 2018, he gave $100 million to the campaigns of different Democratic Party political candidates.

Mike Bloomberg is paying & paving the way for Hillary Clinton (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the obvious theater of Mike Bloomberg’s Democratic presidential campaign, and how his massive spend is meant to pave the way for another screwing of Bernie Sanders, and a second Hillary Clinton run against Trump during a brokered convention in Milwaukee.

With Bloomberg Entering Race, U.S. Oligarchy Takes Stage

The American two-party system has always been an electoral front to conceal the reality of how big money buys U.S. politics. Now with media tycoon Mike Bloomberg entering the presidential race, U.S. “democracy” can be seen for what it is: it’s all about big money duking it out. Political parties are now manifestly irrelevant.