
Don’t Kid Yourselves, US Immigration Prisons Are Absolutely “Concentration Camps”

In our previous report on the U.S. immigration enforcement regime, MintPress News looked at how the for-profit prison industry and anti-immigrant lobbyists have driven the U.S. government’s war on immigrants. In this report, we look at the factors that fueled the monstrous growth of the migrant incarceration system and concentration camp network sprawling across the United States.

When is a “Retreat” Really an Attack? Trump’s Decree Hides Devil’s Horns Under Angel’s Wings

WASHINGTON — U.S. President Donald Trump’s executive order reuniting families who were being separated at the border is hardly what it’s cracked up to be. Advocates are warning that although it may free young children from their steel wire cages and allow them to rejoin their parents, it could also see their basic protections be removed while also opening the door to new abuses.

Scientific Study Finds Asylum Seekers Are Actually Boosting Europe’s Economy

Asylum seekers moving to Europe have raised their adopted nations’ economic output, lowered unemployment and not placed a burden on public finances, scientists said on Wednesday, reports the Thomson Reuters Foundation.
An analysis of economic and migration data for the last three decades found asylum seekers added to gross domestic products and boosted net tax revenues by as much as 1 percent, said a study published in Science Advances by French economists.

Sessions Proposes DNA Tests For Border Migrants to Prevent Human Trafficking

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has been talking to members of Congress about using DNA testing to verify whether children crossing the southern U.S. border are biologically related to adults they arrive with, or if they are being smuggled into the country by human traffickers, Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council.

You Can Now Listen to Children Who’ve Just Been Separated From Their Parents at the Border

The desperate sobbing of 10 Central American children, separated from their parents one day last week by immigration authorities at the border, makes for excruciating listening. Many of them sound like they’re crying so hard, they can barely breathe. They scream “Mami” and “Papá” over and over again, as if those are the only words they know.

The baritone voice of a Border Patrol agent booms above the crying. “Well, we have an orchestra here,” he jokes. “What’s missing is a conductor.”

Democrat Congressman tells CNN: Obama tried to keep child migrant crisis “QUIET” (Video)

Representative Henry Cuellar (D-TX) went on CNN to admit that the Obama Administration tried to keep the children migrant crisis on the southern border quiet.
Here is the Texas Democrat calling out (by mistake we can imagine) the Obama administration for its handling of migrant children. Remember to Please Subscribe to The Duran’s YouTube Channel.

Cuellar told CNN’s Fredricka Whitfield…

White House Defends Ripping Children From Parents as “Very Biblical to Enforce the Law”

Asked to comment on remarks made by Attorney General Jeff Sessions earlier in the day about how the Trump administration’s policy of ripping children out of the arms of their immigrant parents is somehow justified by the Christian Bible, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Thursday afternoon said she could not respond specifically to the AG’s claims but said “it is very biblical to enforce the law.”

Unsettling Trump Mural Greets Children at Detention Center in Former Walmart

Children who are taken to the former Walmart which now serves as a detention center for young immigrants in Brownsville, Texas, are greeted by a mural of the man responsible for their incarceration—President Donald Trump.
MSNBC journalist Jacob Soboroff was given a tour of the facility, now known as Casa Padre. He shared images of the mural, which includes the quotation, “Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war.”