
Orban wants all migrants returned to Greece

In talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban declared that the only way to solve the migrant crisis is to close the borders and remove incentives for the migrants to come to Europe in the first place. Orban also said that Germany should be grateful to Hungary for its border patrol which is armed at some 8,000 strong.

EU sues Poland over judiciary reforms

So much for sovereignty. Poland’s government is due to implement a controversial law which would de facto force some of its supreme court justices into early retirement, opening up the way to stack the judiciary deck in the government’s favour. The EU, on the other hand, sees the move as an assault on the rule of law, and is therefore opening up a lawsuit against Poland, and threatening sanctions, over the matter. Sanctions, however, would require unanimity, which is unlikely to appear, meaning that they aren’t likely to see the light of day.

EU migration deal eases political tension, but fails to address core issues

Massive waves of refugees and migrants flooded Europe over the past few years, adding to the migration that Europe has been encountering now for decades. With a worsening demographic winter blowing over the region together with increasing poverty and income inequality, the refugee crisis brings with it a host of new liabilities, political, demographic, cultural, and economic in nature, to be faced by the bloc.

EU leaders fail to identify ‘European solution’ to migration crisis at informal meeting

On Sunday, an informal meeting was hosted in Brussels at the request of (for now) German Chancellor Angela Merkel to tackle the issue of migration and to potentially identify a ‘European solution’.
Merkel is between a rock and a hard spot over the migration issue as it threatens to split her governmental coalition, and Merkel’s position as Chancellor.

The US Ruined Their Countries, Now Trump Calls Them “Animals” and Sends Them Back

TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS — Late on the evening of June 28, 2009, two days before voters were scheduled to go to the polls to vote on a referendum amending the Honduran Constitution, army officers forced President Manuel Zelaya — wearing only his pajamas and slippers — to board a military airplane for Costa Rica.

Italy’s migrant crackdown reveals fractures within the EU

As German Chancellor Angela Merkel races to find a solution to the migrant crisis in Germany by seeking a pan European solution, oppositional interests become more pronounced. As Merkel admits that a solution will come out of a formal bloc-wide meeting on the matter, Italy’s position on the migrant situation becomes more pronounced, and very much opposed to taking in any more refugees.

Yes, US Immigration Prisons Are Absolutely ‘Concentration Camps’

(MPN) — The ongoing furor over a drastic increase in the mass confinement of migrant families and children has forced people in the United States to cast a hard look at the immigration enforcement regime that has aggressively developed in recent years. The discussion is increasingly recasting immigrant detention centers as U.S. concentration camps. This has brought questions […]