
Turkey: President Erdogan’s Strategy to Flood Europe with Refugees Backfires As EU Gives Greeks $780M to Protect Their Border

The EU accused Turkey of using the migrants to pressure Brussels to offer more money or support for Ankara's geopolitical aims in the Syrian conflict. Turkey is hosting about 4 million refugees and migrants that have reportedly destabilized the country, and Erdogan is desperate to remove them.

Can Bulgaria & Greece hold the line against Erdogan’s migrant push? (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss Erdogan’s failing attempt to flood Europe with migrants kept in Turkey as a weapon to pressure EU and NATO members to support his war in Syria.
So far the Greek and Bulgarian governments have held firm in keeping the borders closed to migrants being pushed towards border crossings by Turkish authorities.

Montenegro's Army deployed at its borders

Montenegro will deploy troops along its borders in response to the growing number of migrants crossing over into the country, on a new Balkan route toward the European Union. Last year, around 8000 migrants from North Africa and the Middle East crossed Montenegro, heading West, toward the richer countries. This number is double that registered in 2018 according to the International Organization for Migration.

Unesco: Teach Children How to Understand Migrants’ Lives, Before It’s Too Late

A Syrian refugee in Turkey, originally from a small town in Aleppo. A new generation of children living in countries that are receiving migrants needs to learn about those people and their worth, says a new report from Unesco, in order to counter misunderstandings. MUSE MOHAMMED/IOM
As outrage and horror build around stories of refugee children, some still in diapers, seized from their parents and suffering neglect and abuse along the United States border with Mexico, Unesco, the United Nations organization with education in its mandate, is looking ahead.

Italy: Deputy Prime Minister Salvini Stops Open-Borders Activist by Saying He Will Send Migrants to Live in the Activist’s House

Salvini is confronted by a leftist who calls him a murderer for rejecting mass immigration. Salvini turns the tables by asking the man for his name and address so 10 or 20 migrants can be sent to live there. Salvini says the real murderers are the smugglers who buy weapons and drugs with their ill-gotten gains.

Analysis: Schrödinger’s Brexit

With only weeks to go to Brexit’s target date, there is deadlock in the British parliament, recriminations on both sides, and, writes Russell Merryman, a growing realisation that what was promised might be impossible to deliver.
Anti-Brexit sentiment is growing as the deadline for Article 50 approaches [MERRYMAN]
We’ve all heard of the thought experiment involving a cat and a piece of radioactive material locked together in a box, the decaying material could, at any moment, give off an atomic particle which would kill the cat.