
Europe takes in refugees by the millions; Saudis blow them out of the water

While Germany, Greece, the Visegrad countries, and Brussels all argue about who should take in the most migrants, the Saudis have evidently found a much simpler solution to the problem.
A boat carrying Somali refugees off the coast of Yemen was allegedly attacked by the Saudi-led coalition which is intervening in Yemen’s civil war, reported Human Rights Watch.

Turkey plays nuclear card, warns EU it will flood Europe with millions of refugees

Angela Merkel’s fragile deal to keep migrants (displaced by US/EU wars) contained within Turkey’s borders is about to fall apart, and with it so too goes what is left of the European Union.
What is playing out could have been predicted back when the incompetent Merkel rushed off to Ankara to make a deal with Erdogan to stem the migrant flow.
Erdogan complied with Merkel’s wishes, but the Turkish President had expected concessions for his compliance, and when Erdogan came calling, to campaign to the millions of Turks living in Germany, Merkel reneged.