Migrant Rape

Germany: 10-Year Old Boy Pinned Down and Raped By 10-Year Old Afghani Migrant. Authorities Say He Is Too Young to Prosecute.

Many migrants across Europe are young adults who pose as children for increased welfare benefits and to attend school. This is important to know, because it is unknown whether the minors involved in this case really are young children as they claim to be.  Deportation apparently is not a consideration. [...]

Germany Introduces Women’s Pants with Safety Alarms to Thwart Migrant Sex Attacks

Germany, a country with a population of 82-million, welcomed one- million migrants and unvetted “refugees” in 2015, and another 280,000 in 2016. In July, 2017, German Chancellor Angela Merkel shut down the idea of creating upper limits on refugees entering Germany. During this time, rape and sexual assault have risen dramatically. Since the government refuses to crack down on the offenders and stop the immigration, merchants have introduced 'Safety Pants' with loud alarms.