middle east

The Sham of Arab Revolutions

The U.S. has declared “revolutions” on its own terms, and its own image, writes As`ad AbuKhalil. 
It is rather amusing to see Western media hailing, as of late, the advent of what they refer to as “Arab revolutions.” Western media never hail revolutions. Instead itpropagandizes against revolutions in developing countries, as it did during much of the Cold War.

US Middle East “Peace Deal” Designed to Perpetuate Conflict

A deal that is entirely unacceptable to one of its principal parties isn’t a deal at all. In the case of the US-proposed “Middle East peace plan” – unsurprisingly endorsed by the US and Israel and few others – everything about it is designed to sabotage peace and perpetuate conflict – perhaps even expand it.

Just Go Now. ‘Prat’ Ambassador in Morocco Asked to Quit Post NOW Over Gibraltar Row – Leaving British Residents in Marrakesh Wide Open to New Terror Attack

British ambassador’s weird manners could cost Britain lives as hundreds of expats in Marrakesh claim they have been abandoned before an imminent terrorist attack. But it could also cost a billion pounds in lost arms deals after Reilly’s Gibraltar gaffe and “insult” to Moroccan king.
British expats in Marrakesh are asking that the UK ambassador there resigns as soon as possible, accusing him of leaving them high and dry in the face of a new terror attack – and even blocking their own evacuation exercises, Strategic Culture Foundation can reveal.

Could the Latest Outburst of Ankara’s Temper Lead to Escalation in Syria?

So far Turkey, militarily the second mightiest NATO country, has been able to get away with virtually anything it has chosen to brew in the Middle East.
The reason why, is simple: to confront Turkey’s bullying and expansionism militarily would be like confronting the United States or Israel; thousands of innocent people would die as a result, or perhaps even millions.

Libyan “Knot” in France–Turkey Ties

Discord and back-and-forth criticism have noticeably intensified between Paris and Ankara recently. While, earlier, disagreements between the two countries primarily concerned the issues of Turkey joining the European Union; refugee and asylum policies; human rights abuses in Turkey, and the French recognition of Armenian genocide in the Ottoman Empire, nowadays, Libya has become their prime fodder, capable of drawing a number of other nations into the conflict.

Armageddon, Determinism and Rage

Analysts apply theories to interpret events, to forecast, to influence and even to warn.  Behind this is determinism, the theory that all events are inexorable, the result of causations independent of human foible.
Determinists rule our century, we bask in their hubris and ignorance.  When their theories fail, a new algorithm applied to fake data is turned to, and the descent into catastrophe, though inexorable to the rational, disappears at the determinists’ other theory, that of denialism.

Trump’s Vanished ‘Liberal Middles’

Take Jordan (or Lebanon) as an example: Both have a broken economic model. One, (Lebanon), has had its huge deficits financed by expatriate remittances; and the other (Jordan), has had its budget deficits (6% of GDP), until now covered by annual stipends provided by Gulf States and the US (the EU provides relatively little financial subsidy). For both, these external inflows are either in, or are heading toward draught conditions (as the low price of oil eviscerates Gulf State finances).

Sayyed Nasrallah: Trump’s Two Recent Crimes Usher Direct Confrontation with Resistance Forces

By Mohammad Salami – Al-Manar – February 16, 2020 Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah stressed Sunday that the United States of America has recently committed two major crimes, the assassination of the head of IRGC’s Al-Quds Force general Qasem Suleimani as well as the deputy chief of Iraq’s Hashd Shaabi Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis and […]