Mick Mulvaney

Democrats Should Aim To Replace An Even 100 GOP Congressmembers

The DCCC launched an on-line ad campaign against something like 40 Republicans, including 9 California targets: Jeff Denham, Devin Nunes, David Valadao, Steve Knight, Ed Royce, Mimi Walters, Dana Rohrabacher, Darrell Issa, and Duncan Hunter. I'm sure there's a reason they're not including House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) in the campaign (nor for that matter Paul Ryan. Oh, that's right, Pelosi doesn't believe in targeting Republican leaders; I almost forgot.

Let's Turn To The Tax Reform Plan-- Trump Is Lying Again

Is Chris Wallace allowed to say this on Fox News Sunday: "But Director Mulvaney, independent experts say what the president just said there isn't true." Obviously he could have been talking about Putin-Gate, about Trump's spat with the NRA, about Puerto Rico, about anything at all Trump has said to the public... ever. But he was talking about the Trump/Ryan tax plan. Remember Bruce Bartlett, a Jack Kemp economist who was one of the Reagan advisors responsible for the mythical Reagan tax cuts.

Will Montana And Georgia Special Election Voters Help Stop Trump? Lookin' Good

A new poll of GA-06 voters is a dire warning to congressional Republicans. Paul Ryan's SuperPAC has put more money into the campaign on behalf of Karen Handel than any outside group has ever spent on any congressional race in history. And those millions and millions of dollars appear to have been wasted as Jon Ossoff has pulled ahead:

The Trumpy-The-Clown Budget Cuts Social Security, Despite His Repeated Promises That He Wouldn't

The short version is that the budget proposal cuts vital programs including Social Security and Medicaid in order to pump money into tax cuts for the very richest Americans and for money cash for the bloated and wasteful Pentagon. Trump was always consistent and insistent on the campaign trail that he would not ever, under any circumstances cut Social Security.

Who, Exactly Is Mick Mulvaney, Trump's Nominee To Head The Office Of Management And Budget?

Paul Ryan and the House Freedom Caucus may be his biggest boosters but it should surprise no one that the definitive source of information on Mick Mulvaney is in South Carolina. You want to know who Mulvaney is, you go to MickMulvaney.com-- especially now that Mulvaney has disappeared his official Facebook page, his campaign Facebook page and one of his two Twitter feeds.