Mick Mulvaney

New Rule: "Until Donald Trump Is No Longer President, Don't Talk To Me About Any Cause Except Democrats Winning Elections"

The hell with Kirsten Gillibrand-- Bill Maher endorsed Al Franken for president on his HBO show Friday night. He explained why in the video above but, clearly, "he's good enough, he's smart enough, and doggone it, people still like him!"Then Bill goes after #MeToo excesses. You don't need me to reiterate it or even weigh in. Just listen to it yourself. Besides, I've made it clear who I'm backing for the Democratic nomination in 2020.

Has A Speaker Ever Been Deposed By His Own Party And Then Stayed On As A Plain Ole Member Of The House?

I can't imagine why Paul Ryan would want to stay on as Speaker. Is it to help the GOP minimize their losses in November and to hold off on leadership elections and instead allowing the GOP to focus on campaign season rather than engaging in a bloody intra-party feud? Ryan may be popular with billionaire contributors but the independent voters who will decide the midterm certainly don't like him.

If You're Spending 5 Minutes Laughing At The Trumpanzee Budget, That's 5 Minutes You're Not Spending On His Collusion With Putin

I was surprised on Monday when Trump's Director of the Office of Management and Budget said that the budget the Trumpanzee Regime presented to Congress is not serious. Putin put a post-literate monstrosity in the White House. Jonathan Bernstein pointed out that Trump didn't read-- let alone write-- the budget; Mulvaney and his staff did.

Trump Wants to Replace Food Stamps With Food Boxes to Save Money

(COMMONDREAMS) — Amid the outcry over President Donald Trump’s proposed 2019 budget—which also calls for massive spending cuts for education, healthcare, and foreign aid—policy experts and anti-hunger groups zeroed in on Tuesday on the administration’s plan to replace food stamps with boxes that would contain foods pre-selected by the Agriculture Department. Mick Mulvaney, director of the Office of Management […]

Indiana Republicans Take On Religious Leaders-- To Give Their Loan Shark Donors The Right To Rip Off Their Own Constituents

Ever notice that corrupt conservatives always seem to support payday lender schemes while progressives fight against them? As soon as Trump appointed Mick Mulvaney acting head of the CFPB-- the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau-- one of his first moves was to stop protecting consumers from predators in the payday lending world.

It’s Not If the Next Financial Crisis Will Happen – but When

There’s been lots of fire and fury around Washington lately, including a brief government shutdown. In Donald Trump’s White House, you can hardly keep up with the ongoing brouhahas from North Korea to Robert Mueller’s Russian investigation, while it already feels like ages since the celebratory mood over the vast corporate tax cuts Congress passed last year. But don’t be fooled: none of that is as important as what’s missing from the picture.  Like a disease, in the nation’s capital it’s often what you can’t see that will, in the end, hurt you most.

Do Trump Voters See Government Allowing Payday Lenders To Rip Off Consumers For Bribes As Swampy?

When Trump voters went to the polls, how many of them were voting to end the rules to keep blood-sucking payday lenders from ripping them off? Probably not many-- but that's what they're getting. As you know, Trump appointed OMB director Mick Mulvaney acting head of the CFPB-- the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Mick Mulvaney Can Drain the Swamp at the CFPB with Access to Secretive Inner Workings

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is an agency that claims to protect consumers in the financial sector. Instead, it has been used as a legal money-laundering operation for collective causes. The bureau was set up to operate without Congressional oversight and is funded by the Federal Reserve, not Congress. [...]