Michele Bachmann

In Bachmannland, This Is A Do-Something Congress

In December, congressional job approval surged from 9% to a whopping 12%. That was mostly because undecided voters felt good about the Holiday season. The disapproval rate for the job Congress is doing started about even. It was 85% in October, 86% in November and 85% in December. Michele Bachmann, a delusional Minnesota reactionary with crazy eyes, doesn't agree.

Another Day, Another Poll, Another Planet

I always flirt with death
I could kill, but I don't care about it
I can face your threats
Stand up tall and scream and shout about it

I think I'm on another world with you
I'm on another planet with you

You always get under my skin
I don't find it irritating
You always play to win
I don't need rehabilitating

Another girl, another planet
Another girl, another planet

Space travels in my blood
And there ain't nothing I can do about it
Long journeys wear me out
Oh God we won't live without it

Another girl is loving you now
Another planet, forever holding you down
Another planet

How Corrupt Is The Iowa Republican Party-- And What Does That Mean For The Presidential Caucuses?

Although this post isn't about it (this one is), I have been positively engrossed in reading Barton Gellman's gripping book on the Cheney (vice) presidency, Angler. There are many conclusions one can draw from his writing but one is surely that criminals-- like Cheney and his gang of accomplices-- should never be allowed to evade justice. I'll cover that in upcoming posts.

Minimum Wage-- Should The Kochs' Lifeless Bodies Be Dragged Through The Streets Behind The Chariot Of A Tribune Of The People?

The video above isn't about the Minimum Wage. It's about the Tea Party world view. You should watch it. It pretty much explains why the country's politics are so screwed up. I don't think Bachmann is consciously lying, although almost nothing she's saying has any relationship to objective truth-telling. I think she's just ignorant, ignorant of the most basic facts she's warbling about to the fringe loons and bigots who pay any attention to her. As you know, President Obama doesn't have a magic wand to wave, not literally or even figuratively.

Did The DCCC Muck Up Jim Graves' Run In Minnesota... Again?

If you want to know how "Minnesota nice" sounds, call Jim Graves. He picked up the phone yesterday morning with the warmest, friendliest of greetings... and immediately said he isn't talking to the press until July first and suggested we talk about my upcoming trip to Tuscany instead. He suggested I spend time in Siena, long one of my favorite small European cities. As for questions around his dropping out of the congressional race in MN-06...

Maybe we won't have the Bachmann to kick around anymore, but is there any known cure for what E. J. Dionne Jr. calls "Bachmannism"?

"Bachmannism is far from finished. The Minnesota right-winger . . . perfected a tactic well-suited to the current media environment: continually toss out outlandish, baseless charges, and, eventually, some of them will enter the mainstream media . . . ."You don’t have to bat 1.000 or even .350 in this game. Get just a handful of your accusations and strange takes on reality into the political bloodstream and you've won."Bachmann's method is now common currency."-- E. J.

How The DCCC Is Making Hay Of The GOP Vote To Force Up The Student Loan Rate Against Vulnerable Congressmen

Last week, the House passed John Kline's dreadful Make College Less Affordable Act, 221-198. Although only 4 conservative Democrats crossed the aisle to vote with the Republicans, 3 of the four are viewed as extremely vulnerable and are top priorities for the DCCC bad Democrat retention operation.

Can The Democrats Retake The House Next Year?

Steve Israel's talking point is "problem solvers." He repeats it like a mantra. But there's something else interesting that he said in his interview with USA Today, in response to a question about what it means that the DCCC spent so lavishly in South Carolina a few weeks ago, only to lose-- and by a wide margin-- to one of the most flawed Republican candidates ever, Mark Sanford.