Michael Franken

Republican Senators Are Running Around Like Chickens Without Heads

Everybody keep your powder dryThat Bolton book release over the weekend sure did turn the impeachment trial on its head! Susan Collins' campaign sent out an emergency e-mail yesterday: "Susan has and continues to be a voice of reason that we can ALWAYS count on. But right now, she needs to know if she can count on us.

71% Of Voters Want The Senate To Call Witnesses-- But Trump Has Ordered Moscow Mitch Not To-- Do You Wonder Why?

Friday morning, Señor Trumpanzee went bonkers when he was told that the night before, top evangelical magazine, Christianity Today, had called for his removal from office in a powerful editorial.Hours later, right-wing polemicist Ramesh Ponnuru, a senior editor of National Review did much the same in a lengthy

The Worst Of All Possible Worlds For Joni Ernst

2 politicians Ernst should never be near when a camera is around: white nationalists Trump and Steve KingMaybe she was making a play for a bipartisan conservative ticket with Biden-- or maybe she's crazy. But Iowa freshman Senator Joni Ernst (R) looks like she made a classic rookie error this week when she intimated that Social Security benefits had to be cut. First a little background on Iowa, a classic swing state.