Michael Collins Piper

Other Casualties of the Charleston Massacre

Other Casualties of the Charleston Church MassacreBy Michael Hoffmanwww.revisionisthistory.orgAs readers of this column are aware, over the last few days, since I returned from the “America’s Promise” conference in Sandpoint, Idaho, I have been writing about Dylann Roof, the massacre in Charleston and the state of the black and white races in 21st century America.In those columns I recommended two books, Black Serial Killer by white Christian author Justin Cottrell, and Out of America by the black journalist Keith Richburg.As many of you als

Michael Collins Piper’s ongoing refusal to specifically refute evidence of crisis actors at Sandy Hook

Here was my comment subsequent to Michael Collins Piper’s December 26, 2013 appearance on Spingola Speaks with Deanna Spingola: Once again, Mike Piper said nothing to refute any of the specific evidence put forward for crisis actors at Sandy Hook or Boston. And he keeps putting out Cass Sunstein and his memo out there, as […]