Michael Bennet

Rating The 2020 Presidential Candidates On Their Education Stands

We wrote a post on Saturday-- published Sunday-- Are Democrats Going To Finally Get Behind Public Education For Real-- And Leave Charter Schools To The Republicans? that needs some updating. The education forum in Pittsburgh that the Democratic presidential candidates took part in has led to a valuable evaluation published by ElectraBlog.

Anti-Healthcare Candidates Biden, Buttigieg & Bennet Are Better Than Trump-- But So Is A Hot Pile Of Dog Vomit-- Would You Nominate Dog Vomit To Be President?

Nancy Pelosi, who has great taxpayer-funded health insurance and has a net worth of $120 million, doesn't understand what Medicare does for people; why should she? Since I started getting it, I've been shocked when I talk with members of Congress who are absolutely clueless about the massive-- and massively important-- program they fund. It's time for Pelosi to move along. Didn't she promise to give up the speaker's gavel?

What Do You Do About Democratic Candidates Who Oppose Medicare?

From 1905, when it was first introduced, to 1965 when a Democratic landslide the year before than finally allowed it to pass, Medicare had been opposed by conservatives-- of both parties. In its last few years before passage, Wilbur Mills (D-AR), the completely conservative Democrat sexual predator and alcoholic who chaired the then all-powerful House Ways and Means Committee prevented Medicare from being voted on.

How Much Damage Will Trump And The Also-Rans Do To The GOP's Slim Hopes Of Holding The Senate Majority?

Will Trump's racist approach inadvertently save Michael Bennet's Senate seat?The Republican Party brand is now so damaged among key electoral groups-- you can start with rapidly growing/rapidly registering-to-vote Hispanic-Americans and high-propensity Asian-American voters-- that not only is it likely that whoever emerges as the party's nominee will be unable to cobble together a winning coalition in 2016 but it's likely that more and more Senate seats will fall outside

Is Economic Justice The Ticket For Democrats-- Or Should They Compete With The GOP For The Economic Inequality Vote?

The Republican civil war is pretty front and center and getting quite a lot of media attention. There is also something of a Democratic civil war brewing, a more ideological/less careerist based one. You may have seen sparks of it last week when the Wall Street owned ConservaDem group, Third Way, went on the attack against Elizabeth Warren and the progressive populism she espouses. Third Way, the Blue Dogs and the New Dems are the Republican wing of the Democratic Party.