Micah Ali

Regardless How Deeply In The Sand Republicans Bury Their Heads, Our Nation's Future Prosperity Is All About Education

Compton Board of Education President Micah AliDCCC Chair Steve Israel uses the empty phrase, "problem solvers" to describe the hopeless batch of mystery meat candidates he recruited and is leading down the path to slaughter in November. Most of his recruits are drudges who were recruited because they are drudges. The idea of "problem solvers," however, isn't as stupid as most of the claptrap that comes spilling out of Israel's mouth.

A Philosophy Of Governance-- Why We Help Our Neighbors… Or Not

Generally speaking, states that elect Democrats to public office spend far more money on public education than states that elect Republicans. The half dozen states that invest the least per student are Utah, Idaho, Oklahoma, Arizona, Mississippi, and Tennessee, essentially one-party states with solid GOP control who take all their orders directly from ALEC.

The Root Of Economic Inequality Goes Right Back To Inequality In Educational Opportunity

One of the brightest hopes for progressive governance in the L.A. area going forward-- not garden variety, corrupt Democratic Party hackish governance but progressive governance-- comes from Micah Ali, president of the Compton Board of Education and a candidate for the 64th Assembly District open seat.

Micah Ali: "How Can Children Learn If Their Parents Are Unemployed?"

Micah Ali talks with a father at drop-off time outside McKinley Elementary's preschool classroomMicah Ali is an old friend of mine who I met through People For the American Way's Young Elected Officials Network. Blue America has endorsed him in an election next year for a seat in the California state Assembly. But right now he's still the head of the Compton School Board.