Esoteric Hollywood: Jay w Richard Grove – Occulted History & Logic

Filmmaker Richard Grove of Tragedy and Hope joined me for one of the early episodes of Esoteric Hollywood to discuss the suppression of logic, reason and history in the form of mass education and social engineering.  Richard and I delve deep into 9/11 monetary scams, the history of western intelligence operations and the tremendous influence of the foundations and banksters who, through fell spectrum dominance, are seeking to reorganize societies.  Looking into the history of the CIA and MI6, Richard and I touch on everything from Hollywood to ph

Fox News Planted Fake Story Establishing ISIS Guilt Within Moments of Paris Attacks

by Brandon Martinez
Remember those early reports from the Paris attack coverage which claimed that a terrorist ‘suspect’ had been arrested at the Bataclan theater and told police “I am from ISIS”? The story spread like wildfire on neocon and kosher conservative blogs, Jihad Watch, Breitbart and Infowars chief among them, but originated from a Fox News live report which was a bit more detailed, stating:

Secret Affairs: Britain’s Collusion with Radical Islam

The more important story is that British governments, both Labour and Conservative, have, in pursuing the so-called national interest’ abroad, colluded for decades with radical Islamic forces, including terrorist organisations. They have connived with them, worked alongside them and sometimes trained and financed them, in order to promote specific foreign policy objectives.